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As the new day came, Gabriella Brooks refused to get up. Crying in agony as Lily, Marlene and Alice forced her to wake up. She was feeling mixed emotions. Gabby so desperately wanted to hate Sirius Black. But, at the same time she couldn't. She liked him a lot.

That's why Marlene almost knocked Gabby's teeth out when she was whinging the entire time while walking to class.

It was time for their last class of the day.

It was Potions. Gabby waited outside the classroom for a bit, walking around and drying her teary eyes, for the one-hundredth time. After 5 minutes she headed in, instantly glaring at Lily, Marlene and Alice who were sitting with James, Remus and Eleanore.

As she sat next to the empty seat on the nearby table, near Sirius she saw Lily smiling at James and what...She froze. Lily Evans was holding fucking James fucking Potter's hand secretly under the desk, they were smiling as if they were in love.

She paused. Lily came back after midnight last night. Gabby stared at Lily until she noticed, shrugging as Gabby gave her a look, 'explain'. Lily whispered 'after class'.

With that, Professor Slughorn entered, "had to run some errands, now today we will be Amortentia. Anyone who wants to explain it, raise your hand."

No one did. Eleanore had decided to talk, "it is the most powerful love potion which is designed to create obsessive infatuation to the drinker, smelling differently to each person, according to what they find attractive."

"Excellent! Ten points to Slytherin! Now you can start making the potion in pairs."

Gabby sat there as if she was about to sleep until Lily whacked her head, "wake upp!" Gabby instantly stood up, "what?" Watching Lily work with James, Marlene work with Alice and Eleanore reluctantly work with Remus, she looked at Sirius. "Wanna do some work? Go get the ingredients."

Sirius grabbed it as they started making the potion. After they were done, Gabby asked Sirius, "dude, go smell it, we'll see if it worked." Dragging his feet along the ground, Sirius walked over, "I smell...oh the oil I use for my hair, uhh...ahaha. That dog we took care of in the holidays. I miss Snuffles. And, cigarettes!"

Gabby chose to ignore the dog part, "You smoke?!" "Yeahhh, ohh wait I also smell strawberry-scented perfume??", Sirius said, shocked by the last part.

Gabby stared at him weirdly. She wore strawberry-scented perfume. Like everyday!"

The bell rang, signifying that class had ended. Sirius dashed out of class, covering his face. Gabby waited until herself, Lily, Marlene and Alice were outside the class and out of view. "Lily! Explain!" Marlene and Alice looked at Lily, utterly confused.

"Okay, okay! I admit! After the Ball ended, me and James didn't go back up to the Dormitory immediately." "No shit, Lils", Marlene exlaimed. Lily continued, "so basically, we decided to take a walk in the Courtyard. Anyways, we heard Filch come, so we quickly ran back to the castle and hid in a broom cupboard."

Everyone stared at Lily in shock. Alice spoke up, "so what happened, Lils?" Lily continued again, "See, the cupboard was exceptionally tiny, so we were hugging. After Filch left and we came out, James was apologising for hugging me. I told him to shut up and kissed him. Then we went, and I was blushing all the way to the dorms."

They girls all squealed, jumping up and down. Alice grinned, "Gabs, we're gonna get our money, Marls lost, you loser!" Gabby laughed, as she and Alice asked a pouting Marlene for their five galleons each. "Seriously guys, a bet?" Alice said, "ohh, it's been going on since the end of fifth year." Lily was appalled.

Gabby asked, "so Lils, wanna ask him out?" Lily dragged everyone's hand and ran off to the Marauders.

"James!", Lily said. "Will you go out with me?", Lily asked. James stopped. Struggling to find the words, Sirius nudged him, whispering in his ear. "Lilyflower, I would love to. By the way ahh, I'm sorry for the nickname. It was like...", James said, pausing as he worried. Lily then shut him up, kissing him on the cheek.

Jily was now finally true.

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