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Gabriella Brooks admired the Gryffindor common room. The stone walls were lined to the brim with numerous moving painting, red and gold banners, creating a homely atmosphere. Matching rugs were spread across the floor. Sometimes she thought it was prejudiced being in Gryffindor, their headmasters most favourite house.

Nevertheless, it aused a few advantages. Rethinking to what the so-called Marauders ; Remus, Sirius, James and Peter had said, Gabby actually didn't know any spells used to track students' locations or how to insult anyone who reads it, or even how to add a password. It was a lot of work. But first she needed the map.

After getting dressed into her black robes, gold and red tie, she headed off to the sixth year boy's common room. As she approached the staircase, Lily was there, "You know, Brie, I saw you yesterday with them. And trust me it's not worth trying to do anything they want." Gabby shaked her head, "Trust me Lils, it's not anything bad. If it was then I'd tell you. Stop over-worrying, just worry about the end of year tests this year or something", and Lily rushed off, muttering, "Oh shoot, I forgot about that Transfiguration essay".

Gabby entered the hallway and knocked on the door, "It's Gabby, I need the map, you know to charm it.." A muffled, "Come in", was heard. Opening the brass door, she screamed and turned around, " Aaghh the chalkboard." Using her hand, she removed the tiny speck.

Taking the map from the corner table she read, "Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Elle, Padfoot & Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map. Wait seriously, Elle??-". Sirius butted in, "Actually no, that's me". Rolling her eyes she looked at them as if they were maniacs, running off to their first class, Charms. She needed Professor Flitwick's help, and of course late night library sessions.

Oh yeah, she could bribe the Prefect monitoring with a chocolate bar. Unless they were allergic.

Looking at the time, she'd missed breakfast. Well Gabby still had a few minutes left to spare, but she had to arrive early. Charms being one of her favourite subjects. Already decided she'd wanted to be an auror. It was either that or flying. Being the youngest chaser in a century was a big deal.

Except a career, she'd instantly declined that choice in her reflection with the head of house. Rumours had been heard that the you-know-who was going to start a war, which had partially already started. Flying would not help at all, but as an auror she actually had an excuse to fight his followers and make and impact, at least Gabby had hoped.

After running to Charms, Gabby had made it. 10 minutes early. No big deal. Seeing Lily, who'd just arrived along with Marlene and Alice, they chatted about Marlene's updated progress to get Dorcas Meadowes, her crush to finally like her.

Dorcas was the Hufflepuff Prefect for their year, popular, sweet, kind and best friends with everyone. It was enjoying not being the only one in their friend group with an unrequited crush. Alice had a boyfriend, Frank Longbottom, they'd recently just began dating and were adorable together. Lily however was a whole new story. Except Gabby was certain all the girls would live long and happy lives.

After Charms, Gabby went up to Professor Flitwick to ask him about some charms used for the map. Subtly of course. "Well Brooks, it seems that those spells you want to know are N.E.W.T level, I would advise you to look in the library."

Gabby left and groaned, she would have to research on her one. Luckily she had spare sweets stored in her bag and knew some really good memory-wipe and petrification spells, just so she wouldn't get caught.

As Gabby was starting to think of the positives she remembered, no one would help her, and she didn't even know how to start. In what section, which book. There were thousands of books to look at. Especially the insulting part. Why on earth did she agree. Impressing someone is totally but not worth it at the same time. Welcome to hell.

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