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Gabby said to her self, "I only see daylight." The sun's rays falling onto her, through the window. However that peace was not evermore, replaced with instant downpour. Reminding her of last night's events. So she awoke, Lily was already gone. Marlene and Alice went abroad again. Leaving her bored. She didn't even want to talk to any of the Marauders. At least not without Lily around.

That would be awkward, Gabby didn't even know where they lived. Well only James. That's because in their previous years, before leaving for the holidays, James would scream out his address so Lily would know how to mail him. She never did though. Only this year.

After laying in bed and then waiting for the rain to finally stop, Gabby had gotten dressed and ate, ready to go out. At least anywhere away from that stuffy house. Lisa took her car and left a few hours ago for work. She must've worked at the Ministry. Oh yeah she was the author of the Daily Prophet. Everyone hated that garbage, only waiting for a better and more reliable source.

Grabbing her jacket, she left. Walking down a street until she found a park. Gabby couldn't apparate yet. Still waiting until she became of age, so that she could finally not be a broke teenager and learn how to apparate.

(Totally forgot about apparation, let's just pretend they already took their lessons, but Gabby couldn't because she still has to turn 17.)

Finding a park where she saw a two muggle teenagers, probably her age, playing tennis. Anna had taught the game to Gabby when she was 10. She headed over to them, "hi". The girl smiled, "hi, I'm Rose, wanna play? Also, that weirdo's my little brother, Alex. I'm 18. He's 17." "Yeah, I'm Gabriella, call me Gabby, though everyone does." Alex' head shot up, and waved to her.

Midway, while playing, Gabby was out, so she watched Alex and Rose play. Rose asked Gabby, "what school do you go to, I haven't seen you around?" Gabby replied, "oh, boarding school in Scotland." Rose nodded. Eventually, it was lunch time, Gabby walked to the shops, with Alex and Rose since she wasn't going home yet. They bought chips and sat on a park bench.

Gabby walked to the chips shop and bought a water, while walking back, she saw Rose apparate. "Damm, a witch, wow?", she said to herself. Rose jumped after seeing Gabby watch her. "Oh shit, you were not meant to see that." Alex froze, turning to see Gabby say, "girl, don't obliviate me."

Alex's face made an 'oh' expression, "so that's what you meant by boarding school. You go to Hogwarts." "Yup, where do you guys go." "Graduated from Ilvermony, it's in America. We usually come here to visit our family. Although, we're moving. To America."

Gabby asked, "because of the war?" Rose nodded. Gabriella said, "I moved her cause my mum died, live with my aunt now." Alex spoke up, "I'm sorry, we're moving to America from our choice. My girlfriend's parents as well as mine and Rose's were murdered. Death eater attack. We were all hanging out."

Gabby apologised for them. The conversation changed into them all whinging about why their parents were dead, and what they were all planning for in the future, or if they were even going to have one. After around 4, Gabby walked home, brought dinner upstairs for later, and ignored Lisa.

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