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Dedicated to pennywishes22 tysm for voting on my book!!

Gabriella Brooks was supposed to hang out with Remus for a study session. Supposed to. But he'd replaced her as a study partner, deciding to hang out with Eleanore Greengrass. Her sworn archenemy although the blonde-haired girl would never find out. It would be hell if she did.

Gabby had remembered the book she found, weeks ago in the library. After hours of searching, she pulled it out of a shelf. "A guide to funny spells, useful for pranks, and keeping belongings safe ~Mari Jade". Looking inside, she flipped through the pages and froze. 'The Homonculous charm, when casted onto a map enables the possessor to track the movements of every person in the mapped area, through labelled dots that move around the parchment. To cast the spell say.."

Gabby pulled out the map, saying the spell and tapping on the map. Instantly, black inked footsteps came onto the page, followed by the person's name. Shocked it worked she saw Dumbledore pacing around his office and...Marlene's name was right next to Dorcas Meadowes. Near the Black Lake'. That meant.... 

Gabby squealed in excitement and dropped the book, grabbing the map, she placed it in her bag, running to the Black Lake. Until she froze. Dorcas and Marlene would question how she knew they were there. As far as those two girls were concerned, Lily and Alice and Gabby thought they were on a date.

Instead she went back to the common room. Lily was there and waited for Gabby, "seriously, Brie. I'm dying of boredom." "Okay, umm let's play a game. Raise your hand if you like James Potter", Gabby said.

At that moment Lily left the common room, glaring at Gabby the entire walk outside. Gabby read another book, a few hours later and she'd figured out a password and how to insult it. She'd decided to open the map it would be, 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" since it's there catchphrase. But to close it, the saying would be, 'Mischief managed'.

To insult it, that part was tricky. She had to work a lot. Actually, the spell was hard to find. Easily she added the names of all the people in the map, 'Moony', 'Padfoot', 'Prongs', 'Wormtail' and her's, 'Elle'.

Soon enough Lily and Alice came back, Marlene randomly entered later, blushing bright red like a tomato, falling flat on the cushion. Alice seriously said, "spill it Marls". And she did.

Marlene started to scream in joy and excitement, grinning. "WE KISSED!!" Lily fell of her chair. Alice stared, jaw-dropped. Gabby squealed. Marlene began, "okay so I took her to the Black Lake. It's Soo pretty. Anyways she enjoyed watching it. So meanwhile I'd set up a picnic with all her favourite foods.

We ate, talked and then as we were leaving, Dorcas told me that she really enjoyed the date. And then...WE KISSED!!" After that we still both had plenty of time so I showed her all the beautiful spots in the castle.

Everyone congratulated Marlene for actually making progress with Dorcas. Gabby still felt a bit sick, as she tried to think about someone else.

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