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The next morning Gabby awoke, as she walked past the Marauders, shoving the map in Remus' hands who stared with pity at her. Gabby despised them. Mocking a young boy. It didn't matter that he was a Slytherin to her, but to the Marauders it did. Even Remus didn't do anything to stop. He just sat there. Eleanore, his own crush was a Slytherin.

As she headed off after to her first lesson, thinking about karma, Eleanore Greengrass was screaming at Remus Lupin. "I can't actually believe you. That boy, the one that you bullied. His name is Ryan, and he's one of my very close family friends. I can't hang out with you any longer." And with that, her sweet desire for revenge was accomplished.

Remus' face drooped when Sirius tried to defend him, but Eleanore already walked away. Complaining Sirius asked, "hey, what's the big issue about that boy"? He's a slimy git." With that moment Gabby abruptly turned around, walking over to the Marauders. "Are you really that thick-headed? Did you actually just bully a first-year Slytherin and blame it on their house?"

Gabby lost it, Sirius felt agonising pain on his jaw. Punching him, then dusting her hands. Proudly, walking away as Sirius tried to cover the immense pain as he held his hand on his jaw.

As she arrive at class Gabby noticed Lily sitting next to Marlene and Alice sitting next to Eleanore. After finding a spot nearby, she sat at an empty seat. Sadly enough, Sirius sat next to her. Apparently, Peter had dropped Transfiguration as well recently.

She couldn't even tell if Peter would be able to get a job in the wizarding world. He'd already dropped Potions, all the electives and now Transfiguration. His future relied if he could ace Charms and DADA.. That kid was hopeless.

Sighing, Gabby pulled out her books. Throughout the entire lesson he'd tried to speak to her. Failing. She just couldn't. No. She just wouldn't speak to them. None of them tried to stop. Especially, what he said to defend Remus. It was all their faults. She was surprised James hadn't stepped in. It was probably to impress Lily, who'd smiled when she saw James just standing there, looking pitifully as he chose not to defend his friends. After all her classes had ended for the day, Gabby fell onto the bed, face pressed onto the mattress.

Meanwhile, all the Marauders had been chatting to each after their classes had all finished.

James was wondering why Lily had recently began staring at him during class and what the big deal was about pranking a Slytherin and embarrassing him in front of numerous people. Smiling, he thought he'd added some extra amusement into the world by making people look silly. It was fun.

Remus was utterly confused. He didn't even realise that Gabby had liked him. Or even why Eleanore had refused to hang out with him. He'd thought that since he didn't help with the pranking, he was still good.

Sirius had experienced one of the biggest betrayals. He also secretly started to laugh when himself and James had bullied the boy.

Peter was still thinking about what he had for lunch. Wait. He'd decided he was going to follow in his dead father's footsteps and become a successful shop keeper to a business about to go into debt.

Except, all of them had all wished Gabby was there. They'd grown close and she was growing to act as a sister. For most of them...

Although, a few weeks later nothing had changed. Gabby had moved on from Remus. The one-sided love, and him liking another girl and finally the incident.

Recently, Gabby had started staring at Sirius, noticing Lily staring at James. She knew it. Lily liked James but refused to admit it. 

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