Chapter 8.

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Namtan Pov -Flashback-
it's around 4:30 in the morning and Nanon woke me up because Khan asked him to. I have to go check in our "massage services" in the center of the city. It's not really a massage shop, many people especially man, so there with the excuse of wanting a massage from our female workers, but it's all a cover up, they are actually hookers. Khan said something happened and that a few of our girls disappeared out of nowhere, I have to find out if they ran away or if the where kidnapped. "OI!" Nanon slaps the back of my head making me wake up from my thoughts "what?!" I ask annoyed "what do you mean what? Common get in the car we gotta go"
"Oh, yeah sure"
We get in the car and it's all oddly silent, I keep thinking about tomorrow night. We have to take Love and to be honest I feel like shit because she's almost like a friend to me and I've known her since I was a teen...
"Quit thinking about it, there's nothing you can do" Nanon always knows what's on my mind. He's been my best friend nice we meet but sometimes it's annoying almost like he's in my head "That's not true. I could take her out of there." He looks at me like I just said the craziest thing in the world.
"Khan is gonna kill you if you try something like that"
I stop the car "I'll kill him first." We both get out of the car and get in the massage shop, where we both immediately notice a man that's harassing Love, he's pushing her into the wall as she tries to shake him away. I immediately run to them but Nanon stops me "You can't." I shake off his hand "Are you that careless? We both know her since we where kids and you can tray her in this cold manner?" I really don't understand him, and I never will. How can he only care about me and Milk? Other people are suffering too, he's not kind or caring at all. I shove the man off Love "what the fuck are you doing?!" He yells at me and wants to hit me, but I immediately take out a gun and point it at him "Get the hell out of here before I blow ur brains off" The man looks back at Nanon and tries to say something, but Nanon also gets his gun out so the man just leaves. I turn to look at Love but she doesn't look back at me, she just leaves. I understand she hates me now, and I know how much it must hurt... her own lover betrayed her. Milk didn't step in here since Love started working.

Film Pov
I'm actually shocked about what she told me and I don't even know if I want her to help me with this but... I have no choice.
"I know it must be hard processing all this information. I'm sorry for everything..." She looks so sad as she speaks. I hold her hand and she looks back at me "it's all forgiven if you help me get Love, but it has to be now."
"We can't get out now it's-"
I get up "Then I'll go get her myself" I start walking twas the door but she runs and gets in front of me "No you can't." She looks away from me "I'll go with you." I smile at her "That's the sprit" I say and then grab her phone and give it to her "Get dressed, I'll go and change too, then we can go"
I open the door but she gets me back inside "There are bodyguards all over, it's gonna be suspicious if you leave. I'll give you my clothes" she says as she opens her closet "Pick whatever you want"
What should I even pick? It's all black. This woman! Is she a ghost or something? Why is there no color in het wardrobe??
"Oh? What are you waiting for? We have things to do" 
"How can I choose? It's all-"
She's already taken off her top and I can clearly see her- what the hell?
"Sorry!" I immediately turn around as I feel my cheeks heating up. I touch my face and it's burning hot, how can I even face her now?
"What's wrong? We're both woman. Don't act like you've seen a ghost" I can feel her walking closer to me and I keep waking forward, until there's no more space for me to walk on "Ok! Ok I'll choose something" I quickly Get some black baggy jeans and a black shirt and run to the bathroom.

We get out of her room trough the window and then get to the garage.
"By the way... why didn't Love ever tell me she was in a relationship with Milk?"
We get in the first car
"Because she thought you wouldn't approve it"
"Why wouldn't I? I like woman too."
"That's not the point. Think about it, is it right for her to be with someone like us? We buried your family in debt"
This made me really self aware for some reason. It's not like I have feeling for Namtan, I don't but... after I got close to her on purpose things started to change, and maybe my heart changed too.

We arrive at the shop and she immediately pulls out two guns and gives one to me "Do you know how to use it?" She asks "Well... I've see it before" She takes it back "Then, wait in here. I'll tell you when to come out."
She quickly gets out of the car and as soon as she gets out I hear gunshots and quickly cover my ears.
"Close your eyes and come out"  I do as she says and get out. She takes my hand and picks me up, then we get into the building.
"What was that?" I ask
"There are some things you shouldn't necessarily see."
I open my eyes and look around. It's a laundromat but there a room with "oil massages" written on top of it. "Love's here"
"She's sleeping now I guess... let's wake her up and get out of here."
She takes my hand in hers and leads me to a tiny room where I see Love. She's laying on a dirty blanket, and it looks like she lost a lot of weight...
"Love, it's me"
She turns to look at me and immediately jumps up
"Why is she here? Take her back home! She can't be like me, please!" She begs Namtan 
"It's not what you think. We're here to get you out."
She looks at us surprised
"How is this possible? Is it that easy?" We hear gunshots from outside and Namtan immediately pushes me behind her and prepares herself to shoot "Don't say a word."

Ohm Pov
I'm working with the bastard today. We're guarding the garage, but nothing happens like every night, after all.
He lights up a cigarette and listens to music, also watches dramas sometimes while leaving all the work to me. "Aren't we gonna take turns or anything?" I ask annoyed "Turns in what? Bottoming?" The dog asks with a raised eyebrow
"Are you fucking serious right now?"
"By the way... why didn't love ever tell me she was in a relationship with Milk?"
I hear Films voice, but then shake my head. Fuck I'm so tried I hear stuff now "come with me" he grabs my arm and drags me with him behind a bush "what?" I say but he covers my mouth with his hand "see? I'm a better guard than you" he says as he points at the garage. Namtan and Film are actually there, it seems like Film convinced her to help with the Love situation. Nanon gets up and starts walking twas them but I stop him "Why are you holding me back? They shouldn't be here at this hour" he says, clearly annoyed. I have to stop this bastard from getting in their way "Don't ruin their fun. You know they like each other, their probably going on a date or something"
"A date? At four in the morning?" Fuck! Right!
"Well, who the hell knows, maybe they are! Stop getting in other peoples business!"
I grab his arm dragging him back and he falls on top of me. His lips hit my neck making me shiver uncomfortably
"Like it huh?"
His hands get in my back pockets.
Why the fuck am I letting this dog touch me? Wake up Ohm!!
I push him away
"Stop being creepy"
"I thought you liked it"
He says with his usual cute smile. I really need to stop falling in love with jerks.
"If you're not gonna follow them with me, I'll go alone".

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