Chapter 5.

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Namtan's Pov
I get home after the almost 30 minute drive from where the races usually takes  place. I was in a good mood because I won, like I always do, but that little girl fucked it all up. I'm sure she wants to know what happened to Love, no one is stupid enough to believe she actually wants to hang out with us after her sister disappeared, with her knowing that they have millions of baht to give back to Khan. I Singh and park the car in my garage, then  get out of it and enter my house. "Lights on" I say and then take off my black heels. The maid immediately welcomes me "Welcome back Miss" I give her my heels and tell her to put them away, then I immediately go upstairs to my room and change in more comfortable clothes. I try to do something else, to not think about Film and the hole situation with her sister. I pity her actually, she won't ever know what happened to love. We are gonna take her to the north and force her to be a hooker for a new months, just enough to not ruin her, no one lasts more than a that in there. When we are done with her, Khan said he wants to kill her and sell everything that we can off of her. I usually don't care about this type of stuff, I even killed some of the hookers myself, I do almost all the business with my two siblings and our adoptive father, Khan, but... this time I can't ignore this situation like I always did. Khan wants to get his hands on Film since she was a child. He knows he made a big mistake... but I believe he should have left them alone, if he really loved Film he should have known that even if she knew the truth she would not want to be in this family. How can a normal girl adapt to this shit? Even if I have money and I can by everything I want, even people's feelings, I've seen the worst things that a human can ever see. I need to see someone, I can't be alone or I'll go crazy. I don't what to help Khan commit this crime, but I have no choice, if I don't collaborate he'll get violet and I'll have to endure it all...

I get out of my room and walk in the big hall that gets to the stairs, then I go to my painting room. Maybe doing the thing I love the most will take my mind off of this...

After hours of think about what should I draw when usually it comes naturally, I decide to draw Film. I remember her face perfectly, like it's stuck in my mind. I hear a knock on the door "come in" it's Milk, my sister.
"You must like her a lot" she says as she looks at the drawing with Film's face. "I wish I did so I wouldn't have to think of her because of this horrible reason. By the way, you actually did it with her...?" I ask and she loughs "common, you know I wouldn't do more than just a touch or two, she's a child" Milk takes a chair and moves it next to me before sitting "But I have to tell you something important. She asked about Love" I knew it "Obviously"
"Man, Khan is being such an ass, how can he do that to his own daughter? He took her sister and she's probably gonna be gone for good in a few months" just hearing her words makes me feel strange, scared, I don't know... "I don't wanna do this, knowing that Love's sister is somehow related to us makes me feel like... I'm hurting my own family in some type of way and Khan... what the hell is going on trough his mind?"

Film's Pov
Me and Ohm are walking home, in silence. I keep thinking of what happened today, and the more I think of it the more I think about how we failed. "So, did Milk tell you anything?" He ask me
"No. She just told me to stay out of it... but that means she might know something" I look down trying to hold my tears and wondering if I'm ever going to see my sister again, Ohm holds my hand "Don't give up it's not over yet. I got the guy remember?" I hold his hand too "yeah but I don't want you to get hurt" he smiles "I won't, he seems like he really likes me"
"And you?"
"I like him"
"Just be careful okay? He's dangerous"
"He's sweet to me"
I let go of Ohms hand and as soon as I do that, a black car stops in front of us. I can feel my heart racing, even if this could be nothing. We don't even need to look at each other twice to know we need to start running. There is actually something going on! five man in black suits get out of the cars and one of them is Nanon.
Ohm stops me "Wait it's okay" he reassures me but I can't stay calm "How do you know? You meet him three weeks ago how can you trust him so much? Let's go!" I pull is arm but he doesn't move "Non!" He calls the boys name. What the hell? Why are you so stupid Ohm?!? Nanon and the others pull out guns, so I pull Ohm as fast as I can and we start running again.
"Stop or I'll shoot!" Nanon yells
"Fuck!" Ohm says and turns to look at him "I'm sorry man" I tap Ohms shoulder.
"Take them" Nanon orders and the other five man grab both of us and trows us on the ground.

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