Chapter 4.

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Namtan's Pov
"Why would you do that to her? You know she cannot pay!" I dare to ease my voice at Khan. "Then why did she make business with us? Why did she ask for all that money?" He says and then takes a sip of his coffee. How can he be so calm? He said he had good intentions but then... "You really don't care about anything do you? Why do you keep playing with peoples lives?! go and work with the ones that can actually do it! They are poor as hell! She'll die!" I get up from the chair and get closer to his seat "Why do you care so much? You never care." What kind of question is that? "How can I not care? After what you told me..."
"Listen to me, Namtan. I don't care if she's dead or not... I can sell a dead woman's organs, just the same as I'd sell her if she was alive"

Film's Pov
I can't give up now, so I follow her outside and take her hand in mine. Common Film, be as insistent as you can. "Namtann don't push me away like this!" I say in a whiny voice, but she looks annoyed "I don't have time for this, the race is about to start" she wants to leave but I hold her in place "Oh common... you know I have good intentions" I say as I get closer to her face, but she rolls her eyes and moves away "Know your place kid, and talk to me properly." Her tone is harsh and cold, she pushes me, and I fall on the ground, then, she leaves. Dammit! Are you kidding me?
I look for Ohm around but I guess he successfully got his man, I'm the only one that failed miserably. I can't do anything elesse but watch the race. I see Namtan and the two others getting in the cars, Ohm is walking twas me, with a happy expression "Ohh? What's that smile?" I say playfully as I poke him "Guess" he says "you got some dick?" I say boldly "such a pervert" He says with a lough and then nods. "Good, at least you did something, she totally ignored me."
"Miss is picky" he says.

The race starts, there are six cars in the race, tree for Namtan's team and tree for the other team. It seems like Namtan's car never stops leading, and her friends are always not too far behind her, the other tree especially a bright green one, that always gets to be in front of Namtan's friends, but always ands up behind with the tree of them leading again. She's actually pretty cool if I come to think of it, good looking , tall , about 1.76 or so and also good at this type of thing. I don't know much about cars, but I like them, and this type of vibe is cool.

The race ends and all six of them get out of their cars, people cheer for Namtan getting in first place, and I can clearly see that guy glancing at Ohm from time to time. The girl that got out of the green car seems more than pissed about the fact that she lost.
"You all cheer for this bitch?! She's good for nothing! This shitbag and her friends are here only cuz of her rich daddy!" As soon as she stops talking Namtan's guy friend confronts her "Shut your dirty mouth or I'll break it!" He yells but the girl seems to be even more encouraged "Bring it in then!" They both jump at each other and some bodyguards start harassing Namtan and her girl friend "Ohm I have an idea" I say as I take his hand and run trough the crowd to get closer "What is it?" He asks "I don't know if you're gonna like it, but still, follow me" We both get in the middle of the conflict, Ohm helps the guy he hooked up with and I go straight to Namtan and her friend, that are clearly struggling to fight all the men.
"Kid- get out of here!" She says as she punches one of the guys, but he grabs her hair and hits her. I jump at him and hit him right in the balls, then help her get up "Thanks" she says. Immediately after more man come at us but I push her in her car and close the door "Oh? What about me?" Her friend asks. "Sorry P' but I have to protect her and I can't do this alone."
A guy tries to hit me but I skip the punch then grab his arm and place it behind his back. After that I immediately push him on the ground and hit his head on the road, knocking him out. Another one grabs me from behind and picks me up. I struggle a lot but I can't escape.He's too strong! "Fuck!!" I yell annoyed and he starts strangulating me. I Kick him with all the power I have left but it's worthless, the suddenly I feel the pressure leave, we both fall in the ground, and I feel something... blood??!
"What..." Namtan's friends stabbed the man "Are you okay?" She offers me a hand to get up "Thanks" Ohm and that guy approach "Oh? Already flirting with her, Milk?" That guy ask with a smile. "Shut it! Don't mind Nanon" she says to me. "Why do you middle in my business?" I hear Namtan saying as she gets out of the car. "We just wanted to help" she gets closer to me and grabs my arm "listen kid, stop messing with me or you'll never gonna step foot in here again, and trust me I'll make sure of it" she looks really annoyed. Nanon shoves her arm off of me "oh common Nam, just let her be, and if not her, can we take her cute friend?" He says and then looks at Ohm. She rolls her eyes "I don't care who you sleep with, take him in the house, fuck him however you want, but it must remain a pet, don't let him get in our affairs." Nanon smiles "You know they only last a few days or so, don't worry" that's actually perfect... if I can't get it, but Ohm can, he can help me get information about my sister. We both smile at each other
Milk gets closer to me and clearly checks me out "Now I remember you. She's Loves sister right? Since she's not around these days, can I have her instead?" Namtan doesn't say anything and just walks to her car, her expression looks different after she heard about my sister "Do whatever you want, I don't care" she gets in the car and drives away "Oh? Did I annoy her?" Milk asks confused, looking at Nanon, but he's to busy flirting with my friend. This is my chance to at least know what they did to her, I can't lose it. "Milk can I come for a ride with you? Your car is so cool" I ask as I take her hand in mine. She smiles at me "Sure, i thought you'd never ask" she opens the car's door for me and I get in. As I take a look around it, it's pretty cool in here, all black and it looks expensive, it is actually. "You where pretty good out there" she says as she starts driving "Thanks, I know martial arts, I also did boxing for a while"
"Wow that's surprising for a little girl" she says as she opens a bottle of scotch
"You'll drink while driving?" I ask
"Who cares" she takes a sip "Now, you wanna go somewhere?" She asks
"We can go to your place, if you don't mind" I need to get some information out of her "You" she says with a slight smirk "kids are bold these days" she takes another sip "It's a shame that Nam didn't wanna take you. She  doesn't like having pets" she says
"That's why she was annoyed at you guys? Was Love also a pet?" When she heard about my sister she changed completely" her expression slightly changes into a more serious one "it has nothing to do with your sister, she just hates when we try to get hookups in front of her" she says.
"Umm I think she had a crush on love" I say, even if I don't think that, there must be something they know.
"She never had a crush on anyone. It's true that she prefers woman, but she can like man too. Even if she has many options she still won't go with anyone."
She says, then takes another sip of scotch "I don't know, I mean they seemed pretty close, I think that love must be with her" I insist "I think I should take you home" her tone changes and she turns the car around "Wait, why?" I ask "You shouldn't middle in this type of thing okay? I'm saying this for your own good."
"Why? What do you know?" I keep asking "It doesn't matter what I know." We stayed in silence for the rest of the ride.

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