Chapter 1.

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Film Pov -Bangkok 16:40-

I've just finished class and I already have to start studying again! Oh!
I wanna trow all the books away but if I do I'm doomed. My class has lots of exams left before summer break starts.
"Fuck! I died!" Ohm yells as his gaze is fixated on the games on his phone.
"Oi! Shut up! If you don't wanna study with me at least don't bother me."
This brat is barely passing all his classes and he still dares to be so carefree, I can't believe his parents haven't wipped him good yet. He puts his phone down and gets closer to me with a sad face, obviously ironic.
"Sorry Miss Film" He says with puppy eyes. I can't handle him anymore.
"Ugh okay, whatever." I open my Literature book and start going over the latest subjects. Why is Thai literature so damn difficult!!

Many hours pass and all the students leave the library, leaving me and Ohm alone. I can't stay concentrated anymore, I wanna go home.
I hear my phone buzzing so I check who it is.


Sis 💗

Sis💗: I'll be late for dinner, eat without me tonight.

My smile drops, I was so happy to see her finally talk to me after days. She's working her ass off to pay our parents debt since that passed away last year, when she was barely an adult. I wanted to help her but she prohibited me to work. Ohm notices my expression.
"What's wrong? Your sister again?"
He asks as he keeps playing on his phone.
"yeah" I say with a  tired  expression.
"She's so tired and drained all the time, she barely eats and the man that come to collect the debt every month assault her all the time, they beat her up."
"Fuck that's harsh, but they are mafia, what do you expect?" He says.
"I'm just scared that... that they'll hurt her for good once and..."
I'm so afraid that she'll die one day. She seems fine, but I know she's sick. Her back hurts from all that work, and she skips meals, barely eats and is mostly beaten up by ground ass man every month. I wanna help I really do but she won't let me.
"She still refuses your help?" Ohm asks.
"Yes. And I don't know what to do anymore. I tried and tried to convince her I even got a job in a caffe agains her willing but she forced me to stop. She always says I'm to young to work, but in our situation I don't see why I shouldn't." I say whining.
He pats my head.
"she loves you and doesn't want you to get hurt that's all" The cleaning lady approaches us.
"Students you need to leave its 19:00 the library is closing."
"Okay, see you tomorrow Miss Dalaa"
We both say.


"And the she dumped me" Ohm complains.
"Well of course she did! Look at the way you look!" I say as I eat my noodles. "Aw! So rude! What's wrong with me?" He asks confused. "I'm incredibly handsome. It's unbelievable how we have been knowing each other since we where kids and you did fall for me yet." He says proudly. This stupid-
"I like woman you brat" I say annoyed.
"Oh right I always forget"

Ohm fell asleep on my couch around 11 and I immediately got up to my room. I still can't sleep tho, I keep thinking about my sister; where is she? Is she okay? What is something happened to her...



Me: are you tired?
Me: when are you coming home? It's late.

I put my phone down and try to sleep, but it's no use even if I'm really tired. I black out after a while, but then I wake up again from hearing some noise in my livingroom. It's probably Ohm or something. I suddenly remember that my sister was late tonight so I get up and walk twas her room to see if she's there but she's... not.
"What are you doing up so late?" I hear her voice from behind. When I turn to look at  her I notice she had a black eye. What the hell??
"Love what... happened?" I get closer to her, looking concerned.
"Khan sent his man to the restaurant again, and it got violet cuz I couldn't pay." She says while looking down. I can't stand seeing her suffer anymore.
"Love let me help you." I take her hands. "I'll work too" I say firming but she shakes her head.
"You have to study. You are a child."
She says. "No, not anymore, I'm turning 18 next week. I'll hel-"
I can't hold my tears anymore, so I bust out crying like a desperate person.
"I don't want you to die too..."
I say honestly. She hugs me.
"I'm okay, I won't die. I'm strong okay?" She says as she pats my back.
"How stop crying or you'll wake up Ohm." She says as she keeps hugging me. "Go to sleep." I nod and she takes me too my room. I get under the covers and she sits at the edge of the bed.
"Don't wait for me again, if you keep doing this you won't get enough sleep, it's bed for you." I nod. "I'm going to sleep, good night" She smiles at me and then leaves.

I feel so hopeless. All I want is for this nightmare to be over, I want us to be happy and go to school... I wish mom and dad where still here even if all of this is because of them

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