Chapter 4: Hell on Beacon

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Bowser Junior woke up to the sight of his calendar. A mischievous wicked, smile came across his face. Today was the one holiday he could get away with anything he wanted. Within reason. April Fool's Day.

"Heheheh, I wonder who will be my first victim?" He rubbed his paws together.

He heard his dad head to the small kitchen. This was the time when Bowser got his early coffee. Junior snickered. "Target acquired."

Bowser's Location

Bowser finished getting ready for the morning and was walking to the hanger. He felt like giving the Clown Cruiser a morning polish to start his day. After that he'll go get breakfast and then fly the Clown Cruiser in the city. He cooouuuld be teaching or assisting with the crabby lady known as Glynda Goodwitch, but where's the fun in all that? He continued his way to his secret hanger, eventually reaching the gate. He entered the access code and entered the room.

His eyes landed on his new baby...and that's when his eyes widened and his jaw fell open slightly.

His precious vehicle had been vandalized. The clown face had glittery make-up on it, the yellow eyes having long eyelashes and the orange lips now painted pink. Both the wings had an image of an emoji blowing a raspberry. However, it was what he saw on the side of his barbied-up plane that really had him trembling with rage. The green side of his plane was now branded by a large black and orange Koopa symbol. He knew that symbol anywhere because the culprit had it on him 24/7. He spotted a note attached to the windshield.

He walked to his precious plane and plucked the note before opening it to see two simple words explaining the motive for this vandalism. "April Fools!". Bowser gripped the note and slowly crumbled it in his trembling hand. For the first time since he got here ever he shook his head with anger and he grit his fangs ever so slightly.

"𝗝𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥!" Bowser roared in the air, breathing a heavy stream of fire from his maw. His roar was loud enough that everyone in the city could hear him, causing birds to fly and any other wildlife to look up with curiosity.

Bowser swore revenge like he never swore before. He swore on it. But unknown to the Koopa king, he was being watched.

"Oh man! That was better than I thought!" Junior laughs as he and his equally amused partner, Yang, were watching Bowser's facial reaction on television which was connected to a laptop. He had planted a miniature camera on the hanger to see the results of his prank live and in high definition.

"Hahaha yeah it is!" Yang tried to stop snickering, but couldn't. "I didn't even know he had a secret hanger."

"Uh, yeah, about that." Junior scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "He's kept it a secret for a while now. He really doesn't like it when someone touches his stuff." He changes the subject. "You should also be glad you decided to join me because otherwise I would've pranked you. I had it all planned out and everything if you declined." Junior's smirk almost looked fiendish.

A sweat drop rolled off his partner's head as she looked concerned after hearing that.

"What exactly did you have planned for me?" she asked curiously and dreadfully at the fate she avoided.

"That's for someone else to know, and for you to find out later." Junior hinted wickedly, drumming his fingers together like the evil villain he was.

Truthfully, he had planned to bombard her room with a big paint bomb much like the ones from the game, Splatoon 2. The bomb would've blown up in a rainbow of colors laced with itching powder that would've latched onto her body. The whole dorm room would be uninhabitable, a quarantined death trap of itchy rainbow horrors. Although, he would've made sure it would have only lasted for a few hours. But even so, it was a few hours no one would want to endure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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