Calm Before The Storm

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"He actually showed up..."

"I know! I can't believe it..."

"He's even more beautiful in person..."

Samael's smile never wavered, his body slowly expanding as he took in a deep breath, setting his drink on the counter. Each gathering/party/excuse to get drunk and have rough sex after, was the same when his presence was known.

All eyes would be on him, whispers of admiration bouncing everywhere. Some would look at him with commendation, some with respect, some even fear, and some who rubbed their thighs together.

As much as he enjoyed the praises, sometimes, it would just be too exhausting to deal with it. It gets old after a while and becomes more like a job. A job to wave at fainting fans and looking pretty.

Not a boring job, but a job nonetheless.

Samael spotted a figure in the distance who kept to himself, a silent sound of acknowledgement being his reaction at the find. He thanked the bartender and left him a tip before heading into the crowd, flashing a smile here and there, giving some random words of wisdom, and whatever else the royal birds around him desired.

Eventually he managed to break through the crowd, his movement the entire time being focused on getting towards the main person he had come to see, Stolas, one of the Goetic Princes of Hell.

The Goetia seemed to brighten up upon seeing Samael, his gloved hand raising his drink in greetings, "Prince Samael! it is so good to see you. Thank you for coming."

Samael offered a slight nod of his head, placing his hands behind his back as he stepped up besides Stolas. His fingers twitching slightly as he missed the comfortable hold of his cane, but for such a party as this he had to do without. There were rules to such engagements after all, and he may be a Prince but even he has to abide.

"Thank you for inviting me, it's always a good time to get out and see my fellow," Samael's voice trailed off as he watched a partygoer choke down a kebab of dead rats, a shiver traveling down his spine as he swallowed, "royalty..."

Stolas, noticing the prince's gaze, quickly waved down a server, the Imp crossing the floor towards them where Stolas asked Samael, "Would you like one Prince Samael? Stella had some of the finest rodents imported from Wraith."

Samael's voice was strained as he looked over the less than palatable array of rats and mice, "I'm afraid I have already eaten Stolas."

"Awww," Stolas was genuinely disappointed, "Well would you at least try one of our Cinnamon covered worms, they're simply to die for."

Samael was about to decline but seeing Stolas' excited eyes were wide as could be he found it very hard to refuse, with a slight sigh he said, "Fine, very well. I will give the delicacy a try."

"Ooh, goodie, I just know you'll love it!" Stolas said his hands clapping together as one of the Imps brought Samael a small bowl filled with flavored worms.

Hesitantly, Samael reached into the bowl and grabbed a worm, the slippery creature wiggling in between his fingers. Before he got any second thoughts, he quickly tossed it into his mouth and gulped it down. A shiver of disgust passed through his system from the texture as he tried to play it off with a laugh, his eye twitching "Y-You're right Stolas, that was simply d-divine."

"Oh I knew you would love it! Please have as many as you want!"

Samael leaned back slightly as the bowl would shoved back in his face, an awkward smile on his face as he slowly pushed the bowl back towards the Imp, "Oh, I'm afraid I have to stop myself there. Got to watch my figure and all that you know?"

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