How much more...

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"I'll do whatever it takes, Zestial," Carmilla said, turning her red eyes onto her old friend, "Whatever it takes to keep them safe, that is my goal, my only desire."

Carmilla turned to her two daughters, a smile coming to her face as she looked down at their faces. Clara and Odette, the light of her life, the people she would do and give anything for, even if it meant giving up the world to save them.

Zestial studied the Carmine family, his voice throaty as he said, "I understand Carmilla-"




Zestial turned to the door, two red pupils appearing in the top of his eyes as he took an instinctive step back, "Carmilla it seems an old friend has arrived on your doorstep."

Carmilla stared at the door, her hand flinching when two more knocks rang out, "Zestial take the girls out please, I'll talk to him."

"Is thou sure that is wise?"

Carmilla turned a sharp gaze onto Zestial, "He wouldn't hurt me Zestial, you know this."

"It has been many moons, who's to say his heart has not been changed by the sands of time."

"I do Zestial," Carmilla said with conviction, walking towards the door.

Clara and Odette looked between their mother and Zestial with confusion,growing worried from the sudden change of mood, Odette asking, "What's going on mom, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing-"

Just as Carmilla attempted to assuage her daughters, the door cracked upon, a glowing purple gem shining through the darkness and pushing the door open. Followed by a golden snake that wrapped tightly around a black cane. A white hand holding it at the base, the face of the holder shadowed completely in darkness.

"Excuse my impudence, but the door was unlocked."

Odette and Clara flinched at the voice, despite the charming nature to it there was a hidden sharpness that terrified them. That's not to mention the aura of the violet eyes that peered through the shadowed doorway, a tall man stepping through the doorway.

His face was composed as he looked around the room, barely sparing a second glance at Zestial but when his eyes landed on Clara and Odette he stopped moving. An audible exhale of breath as he seemed stunned by them.

Carmilla's calm voice caught his attention as he looked at her, "Prince Samael, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Samael tapped his cane twice on the floor with his right hand, holding it from the gem as he said, "Well Carmilla, I have some questions that only someone of your caliber can answer."

"Prince Samael? َAs in the Morningstar Prince?" Carla said, standing up stunned at the fact that the prince of the entirety of Hell was standing in front of them.

Samael stopped for a second, "Yes, Samael Morningstar at your service." He said turning to her with a slight smile, flouring his left hand out while taking a slight bow, Odette and Clara both looking at each other confused and surprised. Turning to their mother shocked as Carmilla seemed conflicted.

Taking in a deep breath she said, "Zestial, please take them out of here. Me and Prince Samael need to discuss business."

"Yes, please do Zestial, it won't be long." Samael said, waving to the girls with a soft smile on his lips as Zestial slowly pushed Odette and Clara out of the room.

As the door closed they saw Samael's smile dim a little, the two daughter's eyes trained on him. It made them uneasy,and yet spurred their curiosity. While at first the two had been scared by his sudden presence, now they just had a desire to know more.

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