Episode 39

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Lincoln's POV

This stupid fucking tie is choking my neck. I clench my hands at my sides. I know if I bring them up to fidget with the knot again people are going to notice.

It's not that I'm nervous.

I'm not nervous. We're marked. She is mine and I am hers.

Jo isn't a runner. She is brave and loyal, she'll be here. I'm not nervous about the ceremonies taking place today I'm just... antsy without her.

"Linc, are you alright? You feel so tense..." her soft voice echoes in my mind.

"I just miss you, baby. It's been a long day and I'm ready to have you beside me."

I feel her relax some.


Maggie and Nabila came and stole her away at ten this morning and have kept us apart since. It's been torture. Now, I'm standing before our guests waiting for her to come down for the dinner party portion of the evening.

My hands move up subconsciously and tug at the knot.

"Are you nervous?" Cam leans in.

"No, I just want her to get down here."

He pats my shoulder while chuckling, "you got it bad, man."

I nod, I can't deny it. I do. In the months since her arrival, everything has changed. The world is brighter, colors are more vivid and I feel a calm that has settled into my bones. For the first time in years, I sleep at night. Real, deep sleep that leaves me both rested and bewildered. I never realized how affected I was by lack of sleep until I actually started getting some.

Holding her through the night has changed every day. I wake with a renewed sense of purpose. I always took my position seriously but with her in the world, I'm more determined than ever to make this kingdom safe.

"Here comes your girl," Cam whispers but he doesn't have to, I feel her. I know she's close. My whole body tenses as I watch the door, waiting for her to come through it.

The knob moves and my body jerks slightly on instinct. I want to go to her, to meet her at the door. Nabila steps in first, then Maggie. I think they planned it that way on purpose, to torment me.

She finally comes into view and my knees almost give out. She's always beautiful, but tonight, tonight she's glowing. I can't believe this woman picked me, that she wants me as her mate. When her eyes meet mine I can see that she's nervous, probably as being the center of attention, but it melts away and she flashes me her show stopping smile.

Maggie and Nabila take their seats as she walks toward me. Without them obstructing my view I can take her in fully. The soft black dress she's wearing fits her body like a second skin. The front is simple, elegant, but as she takes her place beside me I see the other side. The delicate skin of her back is fully displayed down to her waist.

She leans in slightly as I let my fingers graze her bare skin.

"Honored guests, I present to you, my mate, my Luna, the Luna Queen of the werewolf kingdom, Josephine Lennox."

She bows her head slightly and squeezes my hand. Everyone in the room is smiling and I can feel their excitement, for me, for us. As we take our seats, food begins to be ushered out to everyone. Maggie really went for it with the menu. Everything looks amazing but I can't focus. I want to look at her, to take her in, to watch her as she sees everything.

She looks lost in thought. I'm grateful for the bond of our marks, the look on her face, and the feelings she's having don't match.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Linc | 18+Where stories live. Discover now