Episode 36

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The soft thumping of his heart beats against my ear as I lay sprawled on top of his large body. Physically we can't get any closer, our bodies have perfectly fitted together as we lay talking, working to be closer emotionally.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself before responding to his last question. He asked what was going on in my life six years ago that made me so withdrawn from the world.

He remembered our conversation over dinner, when he told me about his curse, he was actually listening to what I was saying.

"The woman that raised me, Mrs. Lovett, had just passed away. She worked at the orphanage for fifty years. She was the only family I had ever known. She taught me to bake and to play the piano. She was... very important to me."

He runs his fingers softly down my spine.

I've never talked about her with anyone, I've never told anyone most of the things we've told each other tonight.

His touch is soothing like it eases the ache just having him here.

"Are you glad you're the Alpha King?"

He takes a moment, thinking before he answers.

"It's an honor and I'm grateful for it but if I had a choice? I wouldn't choose it."

His answer doesn't surprise me. There is an obvious reverence for the position but he lacks the ego one would normally expect from royalty. There is no hunger for power with him.

"I had dreams, plans for my life, I never even considered this. I'm from a family that has royal lineage but I never expected to be chosen."

"What did you want to do instead?"

"Something with food, probably," he muses thoughtfully, "maybe open a restaurant."

"That sounds wonderful."

"You could have been my pastry chef," he chuckles.

"You probably wouldn't have been able to afford me."

He snorts, "best in the biz."

He feels soft, comfortable. Not physically, physically he's a mountain of muscle and intimidating force but I can feel him, his emotion, his heart. Right now, everything feels...soft.

The King is gone and it's just Linc.

For hours we've laid here, holding each other, talking. It feels almost like floating in warm water. There is a haziness surrounding me, clouding my mind but in a good way. I feel completely safe and loved, cherished in a way I've never felt before. It's not metaphysical, I can feel it on my skin as real as anything.

The newly placed mark on my neck tingles, reminding me constantly that it's there as if I could forget.

He's in my blood now, he's bound to my soul. I'm seeing the world through fresh eyes, through the newly formed consciousness of us. Where it used to be me, now we.

"Jo?" The low raspy calm of his voice pulls me back.

I hum, too content and exhausted to answer.

"I know everything is still very new but... I was thinking about your Luna ceremony and coronation..."

This wakes me up.

"My coronation?" I don't even attempt to hide the panic in my voice, there's not use, he can feel it.

He hums lightly, I can still feel the utter calm flowing from him. It's strange to feel simultaneous anxiety and serenity. His peace is still there in my mind even as I freak out.

Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Linc | 18+Where stories live. Discover now