Episode 3

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My whole body aches. They never touched me, not once, but I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Magic really is a bitch. I can't open one of my eyes and I know my face is swollen, I can feel the painful thickness on my lips and cheeks.

I try to lift my arms. They have me restrained differently now, my arms are crossed over my body with my wrists attached to the opposite bedrail. There is no way for me to escape like this.

I thrash in the bed, my body barely moving. When they come to steal my body parts, I won't be able to do anything about it. I'm trapped here.

Hot, angry tears slip down my cheeks, hopelessness weighing on my chest making it hard to take a breath. I wail into the darkness, letting out my frustration and fear that I've tried to keep in check. My voice is hoarse and my throat burns when I finally feel empty like there is nothing left in me to give, no more screaming or tears.

I resign myself to this horrible fate. Without my wolf I can't fight it, I can't win against their magic with none of my own.

I slip into a sleep fraught with terror, nightmares about experiments and medical procedures, pain. I can feel the phantom pain of their tools and equipment against my skin, the helplessness of their power over me.

Loud banging on my door makes me jolt as much as the restraints will allow. I try to listen but there is no sound beyond an occasional thump. After several minutes my door is yanked open. I can feel someone in the room with me but it's too dark to make out who it is. When my body is unchained from the bed and lifted into someone's arms I thrash and struggle.

"I'm trying to rescue you," he growls when one of my arms makes contact with his face.

I turn to look at him, my eyes are blurry from crying and being in the dark for so long. I can't make out his features at all. When we step out into the hallway I blink, the only thing that I can see is blue hair. He tosses me over his shoulder as he starts to run. His speed can only mean one thing, vampire.

"I've got one more, a little she-wolf," he yells to someone as he moves quickly through the building, taking me down a flight of stairs and out into the darkness of night.

Great vampires, this is the last thing I need.

His speed makes my stomach roll as I bounce over his shoulder. He jumps into a van, setting me down on the floor. The doors aren't even fully closed when we lurch forward, speeding down a bumpy gravel path.

We barely make it down the road when an explosion booms through the air in the car shakes. From the back window, I can see the building we just left engulfed in a ball of flames. I look around the van and there are two vampire girls along with the man that saved me, plus two more men in the front seat.

"You guys alright?" one of the men in the front turns back, speaking to all of us.

I nod, unable to formulate words. One of the girls starts to cry while the other stares into space.

"I'm Linus," the driver looks back at me in the rearview mirror, "and this is Jace. You already met the blue-haired hooligan."

"I'm Victor," the blue-haired man chuckles, extending his hand to me, "we didn't know they had any wolves. Our intel only showed these two."

"Umm, I'm Jo, thank you for getting me out of there," my hoarse voice cracks slightly.

"Don't worry, we'll get you to were-authorities to be taken care of," there is a softness on his face, a kindness that takes me by surprise.

The other girls look terrified but I can't make out any visible injuries, maybe they didn't get a magical beat down like I did. I note that we are all wearing matching paper nightgowns. I pull my legs into my body, trying to cover my exposed skin from the cold air.

Victor starts with me, asking me questions about everything that happened, from the first encounter until now. I try to remember every detail. When I've told my tale, he moves on to one of the other girls.

The van weaves through the darkness for what feels like hours. My eyes feel heavy and my head throbs. The adrenaline starts to wear off and the pain from my injuries starts to resurface. I lean my head back against the cool metal of the van and quickly feel myself losing consciousness. The gentle rocking as we drive makes it impossible for me to keep my eyes open.

I haven't known many vampires but I'm too exhausted and sore not to trust them.

Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Linc | 18+Where stories live. Discover now