"Yes, Dean. I'm sure." I whispered back. pushing his suit jacket over his shoulders and off of him. 

His fingers were warm as they brushed across the bar skin of my back as he unzipped my dress. I began unbuttoning his shirt. He shrugged it off as I ran my hands over his shoulders and chest. 

I trailed my lips over his jaw, neck, collar, shoulder, chest, leaving red lipstick marks across his skin. Dean slipped the straps of my dress over my shoulders, letting the fabric slid down my skin and pool on the floor, leaving me bare before him. 

I step out of my shoes as Dean's hands wandered across my bare skin and his lips moved across my neck. He lowered me down onto the couch, positioning himself above me. 

I tilted my head back, letting my eyes flutter shut as his hands moved down my sides and his lips met mine again. He was gentle, loving. The world around me blurred. 

It was just Dean and I, just us. Nothing else mattered. We had each other and that was enough. 


"Now who stinks like sex?" Millie asked as Dean and I got into the car where Sam and Millie sat outside of the museum. 

"Mills." I smacked her arm, adjusting the strap of my dress. 

"What? I'm not stupid." Millie leaned closer. "How was it?"

I gave her a look. "Mills."

"You got it, right?" Sam asked. "The hand? Tell me I didn't get groped all night by Mrs. Haversham for nothing."

"Tell me we didn't sit here for an hour waiting on you two to have sex in the middle of a museum for nothing." Millie added. 

"I got it." Dean stated. "Mrs. Who?"

"Never mine. Just let me see it." Sam said.

Dean reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a handkerchief. He unfolded it, eyes going wide.

"What?" Sam asked. 

Dean held up a bottle with a small ship inside. "I'm gonna kill her." 


Later that night after we all changed back into our normal clothes, Dean stood at the fireplace, staring at the ship in a bottle. "You know what? You're right. I'm not gonna kill her." He said, looking up at me. "I think slow torture's the way to go." 

I smiled. "Calm down, Batman." I patted his shoulder, leaning up to kiss his cheek. 

He gave my hip a squeeze before beginning to pace again.

"Dean, look, you gotta relax." Sam told him. 

"Relax? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll relax." Dean said. "Can't believe she got another one over on us!"

"You." Sam corrected. 

Dean turned back to us. "What?"

"Somebody's in trouble." I mumbled, dropping down onto the couch beside Millie. 

"I mean, she got one over on you, not us." Sam repeated hesitantly.

"Thank you, Sam! Very helpful." Dean replied, voice booming. 

There was a knock at the door then. "Hello. Could you open up?" 


Dean moved to open the door. 

"Just let me explain." She said. 


"I sold it." Bela stated as she sat at the table. "I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed." 

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