Chapter 18 - We Are The Reckless (1:14-15)

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When you go for one-on-one bonding with someone, and they start yelling at each other instead –

Sorry for the chapter length, but it had to end here –

~ Rivana Rita

"Wrecker, Vision, Omega, come in," Hunter's voice says over the comm, and I grab mine, flicking it on.

"Screaming by," I supply, "Because we're not standing by. Are you okay? Are you alive?"

"We have the target, but we ran into some trouble," Hunter replies, ignoring my rambling entirely, "We need a pickup."

"On our way!" Omega says excitedly bolting for the front.

"Be safe," I request, swinging myself into the pilot's seat and firing up the engines.

"On our way!" Wrecker echoes, laughing.

Flying is fun, and I love it. It's the first real time I've ever done it, even if I'm co-piloting with Omega – which at present, means squeezing into the same seat and attempting to tell each other what we need to do. I thought having four hands would be easier. It's actually more annoying. Not doing this again.

Turns out, our brothers are leaving through the reactor port, and I know what this means.

My hands are shaking, icy, as we fly to the mountain. Wrecker moves for the back, and Omega jumps into the co-pilot seat.

"Keep it steady, kid," Wrecker requests.

"Gotcha," I mutter, eyes narrowing as I steer the ship closer. I know how to do this, and I'd rather just land, but there's gotta be a short gap, because there's no landing spot here.

Omega glances at me before jumping out of her seat and drawing her bow. I hear her and Wrecker firing from the back after the door opens. "Come on," Wrecker yells once the firing dies down. I twist my seat around, glancing back. Tech climbs aboard, and – the ship shudders as fighters start shooting at us. Oh, great. This is not what I'm trained for doing yet.

"Tech," I yell over my shoulder, hands tightening over the steering yoke. "We need to break off. What do I do?"

"I will take it from here," he replies, practically appearing at my right side.

I half freeze up at the suddenness, and saved him just a moment ago, and I wish it felt like he actually – respected what I could do, but now isn't the time to complain about it, so I swing myself out of the chair and dart to the back instead.

"Wrecker, get on the tail gun," Tech orders, and Wrecker's already disappearing to the back. Omega and I scramble for the back seats to wait out the flight. Shootouts are never good for staying balanced.

My heart is hammering, and my hands clench over the arms of my chair as we wait. I just want Hunter and Echo back inside. I need to know they'll be safe. I can't – we can't lose Hunter, we can't –

The Marauder jolts as a blaster shot connects with it. "Shields are down. We're losing power!" Tech calls.

Oh, great. Like this could get worse?!

Omega jumps from her seat. "Gonky, we need you!" she calls out, grabbing the droid's plug-thing and plugging him into the nearby port.

Huh. He is a battery, I suppose.

"It's working! Systems are back online," Tech reports, and off we go.

It's only a few more minutes before we come back around, and I bolt for the doorway.

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