Chapter 17 - Ain't No Way We're Stopping Now (1:13-14)

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Author's Note: Behold the final moment of quiet before everything blows up. <3<3<3

Don't ask what Mirror Prison is. If it's a real thing, I'm officially spooked, because I have no idea. It just sounded like something Cid would like.

I know, I gave Hunter and Vision practically an entire chapter of their own. What? He deserves it. :) xD

~ Rivana Rita

"Don't worry. Hunter'll get us out," I promise, squeezing my sister's hand.

"Is he your father?" Mr. Green and Ugly asks.



"Can I call you dad?" I ask, jumping into Hunter's lap. He reaches out to steady me instinctively, so I don't fall off, my words taking a moment to catch up with him.

I'm decently certain this is the very first time I've ever seen Hunter completely mind blown.

"What?" I ask, when he just stares, "I thought the purpose of parents was to take care of their kids, and isn't that exactly what you do?" I've been thinking about it a bit too much after seeing Hera interact with hers. That's not a relationship I really understand, but I saw them, and I saw Cut and Suu with their children, and it makes me wish we had someone. I blame the – what was his name? The meanie who stole Cid's parlor? – for even thinking about this. He's the idiot who thought Hunter was my dad, so I had to ask.

I just like that thought, okay?? It makes me feel wanted. It makes me feel like I belong. I fit with people, not... some label. It's complicated.

"Yeah," Hunter acknowledges, blinking a few times. He still seems thoroughly caught off-guard. "I suppose, but you're my sister. That's not really my daughter."

"I'm your niece," I remind, raising an eyebrow.

Hunter laughs, hand gripping my shoulder. "Yes, you are."

"'mega had a child when she was like, four? Isn't that weird on natborn standards?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"Anyway," I say, reaching up to touch his shoulder. His armor is hard and cool under my touch. He looks... peaceful, and I genuinely can't remember when I last saw that on Hunter. I think it was... months ago, back before the Outer Rim Sieges. "That's not my question, anyway."

He still looks a little blown away by the question. It's... personal and weird, but really, that's kinda what I am. "I – yeah," Hunter agrees, and he sounds a little breathless for some reason. "If that's really want you want?"

I have no idea why he's so unreasonably nervous about this. It's almost ridiculous, but I push myself forwards, half kneeling in his lap and throwing my arms around his neck. Hunter's arms wrap around me as I press against him. It's soothing, relaxing to be held by him. He's safe. He always has been.

And I'd do anything to keep him the same.

I've always cared about him, but it was never really until we left Kamino that it really... cemented. What I feel towards him now is an overwhelming, all-consuming drive to – to – I don't know, but I want him to be okay.

I want... to be whatever it is that he wants me to, and I trust him, so I know he'd only want me to be me.

"I'll hafta find the next non-weird opportunity," I supply, "Because this is gonna take some getting used to."

"Yeah," he agrees. He's so gentle, I can easily see why he's our leader. And why he's stayed that way his whole life. I can't really imagine that. I'm only responsible for Omega, and it's exhausting and terrifying and sometimes, I have no idea what to do. I don't know how he does it.

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