Chapter 9 - Go On and Chase Us (1:6)

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Author's Note: This is for the square "snuggling" on the Clone OC Bingo. :D

~ Amina Gila

From there, everything explodes into chaos. I draw my bow, firing at the approaching droids, and lose track of everyone else amidst the chaos of trying not to get shot. It's a bit thrilling, though minorly terrifying without my brothers right beside me.

Everything seemed fine until I feel a dull throbbing in my head. Burning. Something –

Echo is yelling at Wrecker to get to the main control panel, to reboot the system. Wrecker doesn't sound happy.

Something's about to happen.

My gut flips, and I drop down, crouching against a railing, panting. There's a dull throbbing ion my head that doesn't feel like my own, and my vision is blacking out at the edges. I lower my bow, turning it off so the light doesn't get the droid's attention, if they track by sight anyway.

I drop my head against the rail, closing my eyes and breathing in, surrendering to the violent, stormy currents.

I see myself, energy-bow raised, fingers clenched over the handle. 'mega's standing across from me, eyes wide with fear, and – and –

"Good soldiers follow orders," Wrecker's voice is in the background, and I see him on the platform by some control system somewhere. He's mumbling out a desperate string of no's and his hand is pressed to the side of his helmet.

And there's flashes of something, blaster shots and more that I don't understand and

And then there's hands, someone holding onto me, and I feel myself jerking and reaching for my knife –

It vanishes, and I drop my bow altogether, clinging to the railing as I gasp for air. Stars, what was that? Why was I – what were Omega and I doing? I glance at my bow again, suddenly not wanting to touch the thing again. I couldn't have been about to hurt her, but something was happening, was wrong and it – I –

Wrecker. He's...

I scramble to my feet with a gasp, snatching up my bow despite how badly I don't want to touch the thing. "Wrecker?" I call into my comm. There's no answer. "Hunter, something's happening to him. I'm going to find him."

"Be careful, kid," his voice crackles back, and I hear his worry.

"I'll be fine. Could still use that grappling hook, though." I miss my blaster, no thanks to Rafa who I still want to punch for that. I also wish I could actually use my knife. I glance around the factory, making out the platform area I saw in my vision and take off instantly.

Minus the part about how I nearly got shot by droids a few times, well, I make it.


Wrecker is laying on the ground when I get there, unmoving. My heart skips a beat, and I dart over to him, shaking his shoulder. "Wrecker?"

"Good soldiers..." he mumbles, entirely unaware of his surroundings, and I wince when I catch the rest of his words. Crosshair said that on Kamino, and I don't know what it means that Wrecker's saying the same thing. Is he okay? Is... this something about his chip? Is that possible? Please, no. I can't lose him, too.

"Wrecker, wake up!" I shake his shoulder harder, desperation flaring up inside me. I need to know he's fine, that this – that it doesn't mean anything. He's still not moving, and I smell smoke and burning. It's like when he was shot back on Kamino – did he get shot again?!

Panic is building inside me, hot and desperate, and I reach out, tugging his helmet off. I know it's not wise in action but like... I don't know what else to do. Omega's told me before that stepping into someone's line of vision makes them focus on you, and she does that to keep me calm. Something about focusing on a person instead of surroundings, something, and she did that to me way back when this all started. "Wrecker." I drop the helmet beside him, bow reattached to my back again, hand on his shoulder.

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