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Author's Note: This... is going to be a slow divergence, so don't expect many immediate major changes, though we'll hit that point eventually. Lol. Mostly, I'll just promise that this will have a happy ending. <3 And I'm trying to be fair to all seven (or is it eight? I guess S3 will answer that xD) Batchers plus their tag-alongs, so... yeah. I promise each of them will get their own time to shine. :P

Also, Vision is... chaotic. But honestly, if you're reading a Bad Batch fanfic, that shouldn't bother you. xD I'll admit I don't know much about bipolar disorder (that's what it's called right??), but I'm quite certain Vision's bipolar. Came out like that completely by accident. xD

I've already drafted half the first season, but still. I wanna say that if anyone has any suggestions, I would really, really like to hear! <3 Or comments or questions if you're into it enough to ask anything. <3 Doubt anyone will get that far, but I'm very attached to my OCs, so I want to give out the offer if there's anyone out there.

~ Rivana Rita

PS. This is for the Bad Batch Appreciation Week. Day 6 is Omega. ^-^ Also this is for the Bad Batch Bingo square of "adoption" and the Clone OC Bingo square of "parenting". :)

~ Amina Gila

"Are we... gonna just keep staring at each other?" I ask finally, "'Cuz I think we've been at it for a while."

That finally shakes them out of their trance.

"This is unexpected," Tech says finally, the first to speak directly to me. Not that I blame him. They probably find me pretty weird. I find me weird, too. I was blindly excited when I first realized it was finally time. Now, I'm just... nervous.

Somehow, seeing them in person is different from holos or from afar. I think all the clones were born with perpetual scowls etched on their faces. I'm serious. Hunter looks much like the regs in that way. The skull tattoo on his face just adds to that.

Tech is a little different, his features slightly smoother and less sharp, but still. And something about his goggles makes me feel like I'm being inspected.

Wrecker is just... unnaturally big. He makes me feel tiny even if I'm only about half his height. And the scar on his face, plus his eye – or rather the lack thereof – looks... awful in person. I do not want to know how it must've looked when it first happened. Omega and I snuck in there when he was unconscious afterwards. We couldn't see his face, though, and it was only for a minute before AZI dragged us out. And his entire face was bandaged, so, no, I couldn't get a clear look at him.

And Crosshair is... quite different from the others. Something about his features are smoother than Tech's, and makes me wonder exactly how skinny he is beneath that five-thousand-kilograms of armor they wear or whatever. Not like I know the weight. His hair is gray. I can't stop staring at it. He doesn't have that inborn scowl the others do, but there's an intensity in his eyes that's just as terrifying and entirely makes up for it.

That's finally what snaps the others back to the present.

"You got that right," Wrecker agrees, staring at me, wide-eyed. His left eye is sort of... grayed over and dead-looking, and I internally shudder. What would it be like to be half blind? I can't imagine it. Would I still be able to See with only one eye? I don't know.

Hunter crouches in front of me, so we're closer to eye-level. "What's your name, kid?"

I blink. I could swear Nala Se already told them that. I don't know. I was probably panicking too much and misheard something. To be fair, she did just unexpectedly dump this on all of us. "CT-9905, because they threw me in the line after Crosshair even though I'm not even from the same batch. And my sister 'mega named me Vision, but she calls me Viz."

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