chapter 5 ✨

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Everyone was investigating the house.only to find nothing , the killer was too smart.

"No clue, jimin i think we should start investigating the family and friends" boemgyu acclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess" jimin said while nodding.

The interrogation room.

"Mr.chanbin shin do you have any suspension, on someone who'd do this to you or your family" jimin asked

"N-o, my family was really close with each other and about friends we didn't have any friends outside of the family" chanbin answered.

"So how was your family's relation with other relatives who were not really close" jimin questioned

"It was good, like we didn't meet them really often but it was really good, on my son's birthday we organised a party where everyone gathered and enjoyed ourselves and then later my wife and son were kidnapped" chanbin answered

Jimin nodded being satisfied with his answers, chanbin was really cooperative in the interrogation tho he lost the most precious rubies of his life still he cooperated and tried his best to provide his loved one justice.

"Sir, here's the list of all the members who stayed at chanbin's place for at least 1 day" soobin said handing theist to jimin

"Did boemgyu investigate them?" Jimin asked

"Yeah he did, but I don't know if he found any clue or not" soobin added

"Call him" jimin said

Boemgyu entered.

"Did you find any clue boemgyu" jimin asked softly.

"I didn't but I am suspicious of a member of the family who claims to be a really far relative of chanbin's wife, he was acting weird, he was frequently getting scared when we mentioned about the murder.and he was stuttering too when we asked for his devices, but he said that he left them at home" boemgyu said

"Should we turn him in, and investigate more in him" jimin asked

"Like yeah he's the only one acting suspicious we should do it right away" boemgyu said gently smiling.

"I think this is the most fucked up case if Seoul" jimin added chuckling.

"Yeah and even the killer is smarter than us he is so careful about leaving any clue behind, ahhh this is so hard" boemgyu said frustrated.

Time skip....

"Tell us the truth Kang taehyun, we promise we won't let you happen anything, tell us whatever you know" jimin said.

"I don't know anything about the murders, please let me go" taehyun claimed in a cold tone but still he was scared inside.

Someone came inside and whispered something in jimin's ear.

Jimin glared at taehyun and flicked his tongue.

"Will you tell me the truth or should I?" Jimin asked smirking as he knew the fish got caught.

Taehyun gulped at the sight,fear was visible in his orbs.

"Did you find out about the videos" taehyun asked in a low tone

"The videos had been demonetized, which means no one can even see the thumbnail of the video then how did you have the videos in your gallery, and not only the videos of seungmin's family and chanbin's family but you also have the video of seungmin killing himself, HOW? BECAUSE WE NEVER RECEIVED ANY VIDEO OF SEUNGMIN KILLING HIMSELF.Jimin said being angry.

Taehyun gulped at the lump formed in his throat he knew he got caught and now there's no turning back.

"I know you all won't believe me, but please believe me I am not the killer, I just have the videos" taehyun said in a pleading tone

"First you tell us the truth"

"I-i use darkweb, i have been active on darkweb for like 2 years now, i use darkweb because I find it pleasurable when I watch someone get tortured. I-i used to watch videos on it, which included murders and tortured" taehyun revealed

"U know this can put you in jail right," jimin said

"Yeah i know but still my addiction got me doing this" taehyun said

"And how did you get that seungmin's video because it was not even posted on surface web for you to download from it" Jimin asked

"No, i didn't download them from surface web, I got it from the darkweb website" taehyun said

"Website? what website?" Jimin asked shocked

"If you let me have my laptop, I'll show you the website" taehyun said

And soon he was handed the laptop but not his because to see that he is actually telling the truth of using darkweb. Everyone gathered around to see.

"And that's how you enter the darkweb,and then to go for the website we need to enter the name of the website, NLF(no limit fun) and after entering the website we don't apply https but we add onion at the end of websites" TAEHYUN SAID


"oh ok, now how did you get the videos" boemgyu asked.

" I got the recommendation of the videos on my fyp, because this website was newly purchased by someone else and he started posting on it that's why" taehyun answered

"Someone else purchased?what does it mean?" Irene asked.

"Here on darkweb, people sell their websites and videos in millions, and recently someone has purchased the NLF website because the owner of this website got arrested" taehyun explained.

"Do you know after this you are also getting arrested" Jin added staring at taehyun and taehyun just weekly smiled at him as he already knew the truth. And now there's no turning back he has already opened the half book.

"Do you know the owner of the website" jimin asked

"Not the one who is owning it now, but the one who got arrested" taehyun answered.

" I know it's loux, he's in USA's central jail he's arrested in charges of murder and rape" everyone turned at the voice who said this and they were shocked to the person who said it.

(Guys I wanna say that everything mentioned, in this chapter is not fictional, there are people who use darkweb and do shits on it, and the person loux is a real person who got arrested for using DARKWEB and posting on a website called HURT TO THE CORE.)

(And the website i mentioned here NLF(NO LIMIT FUN) is a famous website around the world because it was owned by Peter Scully, this website got fame because it had the most disgusting ans distrubing fluff movie which is called DAISY'S DESTRUCTION.
Which is really brutal. To about this more you can watch the YouTube video of FING.)


I do not use darkweb, nor i have ever tried to use it. I got the information of it from a YouTube channel called FING.

Thankyou you all for reading this chapter.

I hope you all are enjoying the the story.

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