Chapter 9

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Lina, who was startled by the suddenly narrowed distance, stepped back.

"You seemed frail, but I didn't expect you to be impudent as well."

However, as if he couldn't tolerate her moving away, Duke Valige spoke, drawing closer to Lina.

"You attacked the master you serve and even tried to run away...?"

Despite his threatening words, the Duke's face seemed quite amused as he spoke, one corner of his mouth lifting.

"The crimes you've committed aren't few; how shall we make you answer for them all...? Shall we have a detailed discussion in Teresis?"


Lina was startled by the familiar word from the Duke's mouth. Teresis was a place in the empire where those who committed crimes were interrogated before trial, like a prison.

But despite appearing as a prison, it was an infamous place where criminals were interrogated through all sorts of cruel methods.

'To mention Teresis just because a maid kicked you once! Isn't that too much?'

Lina had an immortal body, and any deep wounds would heal on their own without treatment given some time.

However, if she were tortured in Teresis, her immortal body might be discovered.

'And pain is utterly disgusting!'

Lina hurriedly knelt and begged the Duke.

"Please, forgive me, Duke! I'll do whatever you ask! Just, please, not Teresis...!"

"You'll do whatever I ask?"

"Yes! Anything!"


The Duke spoke leisurely, smiling.

"Repay me, with your body."

[This is the time separator]

Clang- .

"Oh my, it seems the Duke is looking for you again, Lina."

Sitting in the dining hall, eating her soup, Lina abruptly put down her spoon at the sound of the bell ringing once more.


It was already the 13th time today. The continuous ringing of the bell had interrupted her late lunch.

"Lina, did something happen with the Duke?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how can he keep singling you out like this?"

'Yeah, it does seem strange.'

The bell that connected to the Duke's room rang frequently, and when Emma, feeling sorry for Lina, who couldn't eat or work, went to the Duke's room instead, it happened.

[The Duke says he's looking for you.]

But Emma returned only with the Duke's words, seeking Lina. The butler and other maids and servants received the same message.

[The Duke only wants you, Lina.]

When this happened several times, everyone assumed that when the bell rang, the Duke was looking for Lina.

'Repaying with my body. So that's what he meant.'

Since that night, the Duke seemed determined to summon her repeatedly for all kinds of small yet troublesome tasks.

'I feel like such a fool.'

The Duke's final words had led her to dangerous fantasies.

But, as if mocking her, all the tasks he gave were just trivial annoyances.

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