A Lecture (Vacation Gone Wrong P4)

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(SMG4 up there has depwesion, don't mind him 😁😁 ./j)

SMG3 got up to his phone alarm, but since he got lesser sleep he took another 5 minutes to wake up.

He got up and looked next to him, Four wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom, but he hears noise outside.

He looked into the kitchen, seeing Four eating pancakes and Luigi cooking and Meggy watching over SMG4. He went out slowly, not wanting to scare anyone.

Meggy heard this so she looked behind her, to see Three sitting down at the table.

"Oh hey Three! How's it going?"

"Good. What are you cookin'?"

Three asked in his usual morning tone, looking at his partner and seeing that he looks all better.

"I'm making pancakes and toast. Want some? The next toast is here."

"I'll have the toast."

"I knew you would."

Luigi threw the toast at a plate and slid it infront of SMG3.


"So, we're going home later now, right?"


Three started eating his toasted bread

"How'd you two get here?"

"Long story short, SMG4 knocked on my door just this morning and told me he was hungry and you were asleep."

Meggy answered.

"What do you mean by 'Long story'?"

"SMG4 also jumped into the pool-"

SMG3 dropped his toast on his plate and looked at Meggy in a concerned and mad face,


He screamed, even making Four startled.

"Was he okay?!"

"Uh, do you think he is?"

Meggy says, looking at Four as he also looked at her.

And yes, SMG4 was completely injured and his right arm and left leg is in a cast. SMG3 was completely furious.


"Well, he got in our terrace as i was getting Luigi to get up, and he jumped off. And ran around the pool so he broke his arm and leg."

Three sighed in disbelief, he already told SMG4 countless times to avoid danger as much as possible.

"Alright, just as long as he doesn't die."

Four nodded, and Meggy sighed while smiling sheepishly.

"Jeez Three, you're acting like a dad to Four."

Three rolls his eyes annoyed, clearly disagreeing to the fact he is an 'overprotective boyfriend' to his boyfriend-

HIS boyfriend.

There was awkward silence deafening the group, until Mario, Tari and Saiko finally enter the room.

"Guys! Mario wants go play in pool!!"

SMG4 and Meggy look at Mario, meanwhile Luigi and SMG3 are focused on their own things.

"Fine, go have fun, Four is staying behind"

"Who will look after him?"

Another silence was held between the group of friends, they all look at Four, then each other. They whispered and looked at Tari and Saiko.

Saiko answered first.

"Eh, i know."

"Well, i don't want to go to the pool anymore, so that works?.."

Tari then responded, patting SMG4's head as he ate.

"Go have fun i guess."

Saiko closed the door and looked at Four, finally noticing how badly injured he is.

Tari smiled softly then suddenly frowns.

"Four, don't keep up to us, you're, y-you're-"

"You're a soul to protect. You can't keep yourself safe, and without you, your realm wouldn't be complete."

Tari nodded to Saiko's response as she arranged her stutterings.

Four looked down, his eyes guilty.

"I-i just wanted to do everything to protect you guys... I used to be the hero and all, but now I'm just so weak, i wanted to get my role back b-but you guys keep pushing me back..."

He trails off, not wanting to hurt his friend's feelings. But it only made concern come to Tari's heart.

"Four, I know you want to help, we just wanted to show how much you've been doing to make us proud.. You're like my father when we met, and you've protected me like a child. We wanted to show you how much you did."

Saiko agreeds

"Yeah, and you've been acting tough although you cut off your leg when Axol was controlled. Then you used up all your money to buy all of us a house without even feeding yourself for a whole 3-Day job. That is why we planned this vacation for you."

It hit SMG4 hard, making him agree to them and finally giving up.

"Alright, I'll enjoy this vacation for now. Thank you for teaching me again for teh 5286th time of the month!"

"Uh, how do you even remember?"

Saiko said, flabbergasted by the many times he got lectured, while SMG4 just shrugs.

"Well, you're welcome, Four!"

Tari smiles, putting SMG4 on a wheelchair and the three walks into the elevator to the ground floor to see if the others are there.

The group was there, swimming, except for Meggy. She was on the steps of the pool scrolling on her phone mindless.

(815 words!)

I AM SO PROUD OF THIS- Im gonna draw for the last part of this!!

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