First Date?

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SMG4 was texting SMG3, while starving on his bed. They were having random conversation, until something unexpected happened...


4: Dude stop spamming on our conversation 😭😭

3 : Yo, wanna go on a date?

4 : What?!

3 : U saw it

4 : Why??

3 : Nothin.

4 : Fine, if it'll make you happy!!

3 : Yeah, lets meet at the park tommorow by two in the afternoon.

4 : K

3 : Also I'll be the man. I'll wear a tuxedo

4 : Seriously, i will wear a dress?!

3 : Yeah. If you'd like.

4 : Night then..

3 : Night hun. Love u


SMG4 panicked on his bed, literally ripping his a chunk of hair off his head (probably much like Tweek from South Park does). Which totally hurted alot, but he didn't care even a bit. He cried to sleep, clearly not knowing what to do


SMG4 woke up shivering. Yeah, its december and it is snowing, and he didn't wear a jacket or even cover himself in a jacket. He was still starving. He looked up at his alarm clock and GODDAMN. HE MISSED 15 ALARMS, AGAIN?!?! It was already like after lunch (probably the reason he is really hungry) so he looked out the window, and saw SMG1, SMG2 and the new Meme Guardian (SMG7 from my other story) building a snowman, while the others are playing snowball fight.

He shot up off of bed, not minding how hard he hit the ground and how cold he was feeling and just walked downstairs. He arrived at the kitchen, and took the Frootloops cereal box. And began eating. He finished eating about like just five minutes and ran to Mario


SMG4 shouted nervously, as he hugged Mario on the leg


"Can you help me get dressed?? Me and 3 are going on a date later and i think i am late!!"

After SMG4's question, Mario began thinking. He snapped his fingers, and SMG4 was immediately in a girl's outfit. It wasn't a gown, but it is suitable for a winter date.. A black and blue dress with a sleeve, long gloves, and even high heels (but, where did Mario get them tho-?)

"There, all done!"

Mario smiled

"Woah... Thanks Mario!!"

SMG4 looked amazed by the sudden transformation and hugged his best frienemie.

"Mario's very welcome! Also, here!"

Mario grinned, and gave SMG4 a rose.

After the hug, SMG4 ran outside and to the park. It was only 1:30 PM, so he had to wait a bit more. It wasn't long enough when he realised that he is being carried. He turned around to see it was SMG3, in a tuxedo while holding a flower bouquet. SMG4 covered his face in embarrassment.


Suddenly, a loud SLAM! is heard and SMG3 shouted


Oh, so SMG4 was just daydreaming... Lucky him, he didn't have to look like a girl for the whole day.. But he completely forgot that he is going to the movies with the crew.. That should be fine, the SMG's who think SMG4 and SMG3 was gay is not coming, right?

"Also, SMG2 and SMG1 is coming."

Oh, so they are also coming. Why didn't he tell SMG4 earlier? Bad luck for those two, they'd be told that they should kiss, make out, etc. But it's the movies, they can't make out there just yet.. Or can they?

Nah they can't, security will kill them both if they do.

"By the way, what movie are we watchin'?"

"I don't know, ask Mario."

"Ok ok-"

Word count : 613 words YAY <3

Rivals & Parents ? (SMG4 Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin