Pulled Apart (PART 2)

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One story part was requested by : RandomGirl1928282


Goddamnit... That hurted so much worser than the near death of Mario! Why was i the one who was supposed to donate blood to SMG4 anyway?! I mean, i actually said that i would, I'd blame myself for that. But, i care for SMG4, and he'd die if i didn't donate him blood.

I sat down beside SMG4... It's already been a month and he hasn't woken up... Everyone complained that they had nightmares, and traumatized them. Mario was even depressed at the time the doctor said, "He is in a coma". I had to stay with SMG4 just to make sure he was alive, and i haven't got any sleep. But it isn't SMG4's fault, it was someones fault. I wonder who.. I wonder.

3rd POV:

SMG4 woke up, in his room. Still feeling nausea flow in him, he rose up and felt his right arm was bandaged. His arm still hurted but healed a little.

SMG3 was beside him, while chatting on the SMG4 GC (like on my other story). He didn't notice SMG4 waking up from his deep unconciousness.

"Wh- where am i..."

SMG4 asked with a sick voice, and his eyes looked drowsy. He moved his head to SMG3, altough his neck hurted because of his attempt on suicide, he still managed to turn his head around.

"SMG3?.. Where am i..?"

SMG4 asked.

SMG3 immediately turned his head towards SMG4

"Thank god, you're finally awake!"

He shouted with gratitude and happiness

"Also, you're in the hospital."

"Wait, what?.."

"You almost killed yourself, now i had to donate blood to you."

SMG4's heart skipped a beat after realizing.

"Oh yeah, sorry 'bout that.."

SMG4 laughs nervously

SMG3 sighs, and picks SMG4 up in a bridal-style

"Let's go."

SMG4 blushes, and immediately hides his face on SMG3's chest

They both walk out of the hospital room, where everyone else seems to be. Mario is begging Meggy for spaghetti, Meggy seems mad. While Tari is being comforted by Saiko. Bob and Boopkins on their devices with JubJub watching them.

"SMG4?.. Why do you look different now?"

Mario says, as he turns over to the pair.

Yes, SMG4 did look KINDA different- His head was patched up with a white bandage, his face drowsy, and his right arm is also patched up with paper bandages.

"Yeah.. Why do you look different?"

Meggy asks

"Well, he broke his arm last month, so-"

SMG3 got cut off by SMG4's question

"Wait, last month? How long have i been asleep for?.."

"You've been in a coma for a month because of what you did."

SMG1 spoke.

"Yeah! And we were all worried!! Mario even passed out beside you!"

SMG2 replied, in a mix of sadness and confusion in his voice

"Sorry.. I didn't know what i was up to.."

SMG4 said as SMG3 set him on one of the chairs.

To be continued?..

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