Bank Robbing

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(REQUEST BY: lzckviiR)

(3rd POV)

The alarm clock rang, and absolutely hit on SMG4's ears loud. He slammed his table, until he finally stopped his alarm. He slowly got up and opened his eyes and started looking around.

One thing is missing..

. . .

It is Beeg.

SMG4 curiously got up and changed into his overalls quickly, and ran outside his room, panicking.


He shouted, jolting everyone off their sleep. Everyone exited the rooms, looking annoyed yet worried.

"What is it, SMG4?..."

Meggy said, half-asleep, because it is still 7 in the morning.


Upon hearing SMG4's exclamation, Mario ran out of the gaming room.

"I saw in the news that theres two children that robbed a bank! And one looks like Beeg. Plus, he is with Eggdog!"

Mario said, calmly, not giving a care in the world even for a bit.


SMG4 shouted again, he started running around. He stopped on a corner and cried there (Like what he did in the 'GameCube'?)

"WHAT THE F#CK DO I DO?!!?!?!?!"

He screamed loudly, while looking at the door.


After a while of crying, he saw the door open. And SMG3 entered.

"3.... I NEED YOUR HELPPP!!!!!!"

"With what now? You want me to help you with another video or what?"

SMG3 almost yelled at his crying partner.


SMG4 shouted. But SMG3 scoffed at him.

"Well, i already got them back."

He smiled.


Before SMG4 could finnish, SMG3 pulled out a sack and opened it. Then, Beeg and Eggdog ran to SMG4 and hugged him, almost making him fall.

SMG4 cried again, because they asked for back rides again. SMG3 just laughed at his crybaby partner just running around with their sons on his back, making sure to not trip over something.

"But they stole like 500,000 dollars.."

SMG4 immediately tripped after hearing SMG3's sentence. Making the group laugh, while the others watched.

"Awwhh, aren't they such a good family? Especially SMG4 having to be the mom all the time??"

Meggy whispered to Mario, who is eating spaghetti like always.


Mario whispered back, as he watched SMG4's head bleed, while SMG3 helped him bandage it up. Their pets just ate the sack of money they had, carelessly ripping off some money.


(Also, how Beeg and Eggdog robbed da bank):

The two smol children was playing jobs. Beeg was a banker and Eggdog was the one robbing it. They had a great time, and suddenly they realised it was a good idea.

"AUGH AUGH!! (Lets rob a bank!!)"

"Af af (Okay)"

So they went out of SMG1 and 2's house (Because SMG2 [or aka their babysitter for the weekend cuz why not,] left the door open), and ran to the city.

They looked around and around, and then they saw the perfect place, Bob's Bank. So they entered and pulled out thier (nerf) guns. Everyone shouted, or played along, and pretended they were dead.

The two beans walked around and found the vault, they used a bomb (from SMG3) to open it. Beeg managed to spawn a big sack, because SMG4 has been teaching him magic. And with the sack, they took almost all of the money inside (they took half, just to let you know).

Luckily, SMG2 managed to call SMG3 about what happened. And SMG3 found them and brought them back to SMG4 so he wouldn't panic.

(FUN FACT: SMG4 has amnesia here, so he forgot SMG2 was looking after them)

(ANOTHER FUN FACT: Beeg and Eggdog robbed SMG3's bank account.),

Word Count : 641. words)

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 (*・ω・ )/ Thank you!
 c/  つ∀o♥

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