"Why does Puffer eat so slow?" 

"Guys shut the fuck up." Puffer groaned.

"Maybe don't be so easy to fuck with, if you don't want to be picked on." John joined in, feeling a bit like he was doing nothing to contribute.

"Oh my- John, shut the fuck up, bitch." Puffer said angrily.

John put his hands up in surrender, and watched Puffer eat for a bit, before getting up to get some fresh air. Smit would get the bill for him anyway, he knew that.

John missed his motorcycle, as stupid as it sounds, you get really attached to those things sometimes. It reminded him of how far he'd come, how far he'd made it past that faithful day at a random gas station, where he'd met Smit.

The best fucking day of his life, and he'd never forget it, he'd never forget him. That's why he couldn't lose Smit, because he'd never forget him, even when he's gone.

John did have thoughts of ending it all in the past, and losing Smit would be the last straw. But he didn't want to talk about that, think about that, he wanted to stay as far away from that as possible.

Before long, Smit also joined him, talking about something, but John wasn't really listening, Smit always talked just to fill the silence, and he didn't care if John was listening or not.

"Uhm.. Hey." A voice said beside Smit, who flinched, and looked over. 

A girl stood there, no taller then 5'3 with natural blonde hair, and multiple piercings. She didn't seem out of the ordinary, and she certainly didn't seem in trouble, no, she was here for something else.

She also didn't seem helpless, more demanding, she had a sort of friendly scowl on her face, if that was even possible. That or it was a condescending smirk, that she wore with pride.

"Yeah?" Smit looked at her confused, he was always a bit awkward with strangers.

"Can I get your number?" She asked, confidence striking her face, voice full of sass. John knew she'd ask something stupid like that, and Smit sensed his annoyance.

"Sorry, but I'm-." He was cut off rudely, by the girl again.

"No buts." She huffed, crossing her arms. "Number."

Smit shook his head, refraining from saying anything. John looked at the all too smug girl, he'd never really felt anger like this before, only ever sadness to this extreme, but he felt it now, and didn't even realize he was reaching for his switchblade.

"Are you going to tell me or what?" She spoke again, her smirk turning into a scowl.

John's body moved on its own as he turned to her. "He's gay, he doesn't want you, fucking whore."

He knew Smit was gay from the start, so he wasn't wrong.

Smit turned to him, face full of shock from the sudden aggression, shock and gratitude.

"He's not, stop trying to cover for him." She stated, her voice still dripping with attitude, looking back at Smit.

John felt the switchblade release, and heard the familiar quiet sound of the blade. Smit also seemed to hear it, his military senses kicking in when he reached over and held the blade, sharp end between his fingers. He knew John could never hurt him. He'd effectively stopped John from doing anything drastic right there.

"Can you fuck off, maybe he doesn't want to sleep with a slut." John hissed, letting go of the switchblade, and letting Smit disarm him.

"Stupid-." John didn't want to hear the slurs as she stormed off, angry her pure pressure plan hadn't worked.

"John, don't pull knives like that again, Holy shit, your lucky I'm trained for that." Smit gasped, holding the blade up for him to take back.

"Don't be so hot, then all these fucking hoes won't want to talk you up, and I won't have to beat them off you." John giggled.

Smit glared at him for a moment, before laughing with him. 


Smit's pulling to many bitches.

"Nah, I would fucking eat that shit."


-Fun Fact(s)-

I don't have to put 4 fun facts every time, but I do anyway, because I'm a idiot.

My brother is in the military.

Can you tell I had a lil mood swing for this chapter?

John had really bad depression before this story takes place, he went through it, and overcame it alone, he states he'd end it all if Smit's was to leave him, because he's afraid he won't be able to do it alone again.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now