Sneaking Around: Part 2

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We weaved through the throngs of people, the casino's noise a dull roar in my ears. My gaze darted nervously around, searching for any sign of fans. "Where'd your security?" 

"Ditched them," he confessed. "Spotted a chance and took it." A shiver of excitement, laced with a touch of worry. Was this superstar really sneaking around like a mischievous teenager?

"Are you crazy? This is Vegas! Don't you know how many fans are here? You almost blew your cover in that elevator – I knew exactly who you were the minute I saw you."

He shrugged, a nonchalant gesture. "Thought if I could just get some fresh air, it wouldn't be a problem."

The automatic doors whooshed open, a blast of hot Nevada sun washing over us. He blinked, squinting against the sudden brightness.

"This way, I think," he said, pointing confidently in the opposite direction of the glittering Strip. Following his lead, I took a few steps before he stopped abruptly.

"Whoa, gotta ditch the sweatshirt," he muttered, as he handed me back my phone. His touch lingered a fraction too long. Pulling the garment over his head in a swift motion. The movement revealed a crisp white t-shirt stretched taut across a sculpted torso.

A sliver of perfectly toned stomach peeked out above the waistband of his jeans. A strangled giggle escaped my lips, a sound more suited to a lovesick teenager than a seasoned professional. Thankfully, he seemed oblivious, focused on folding the sweatshirt.

"Let me," snatching the garment before he could finish folding it. My fingers brushed against his as I deposited it in the safety of my messenger bag, along with both our face masks.

He surprised me by reaching for the bag, hoisting it effortlessly over my shoulder. The sudden closeness sent a wave of heat rushing through me. He adjusted the strap with a practiced ease, the scent of his cologne – a candy apple – filling my senses. Placed over his own head. Then, with a casual smile, he retrieved my phone from my hand.

"Looks like a twenty-minute walk," he remarked, scrolling through the map app.

"Hey, you wanted breakfast and a stroll," I reminded him, trying to sound composed. Truth be told, my insides were doing a happy dance.

"So, Emma, tell me about yourself."

The question, seemingly simple, sent a jolt of nervous energy through me. Squaring my shoulders, I forced a casual smile.

"Well," I started, the word tumbling out a bit too quickly, "I'm Emma, of course."

The self-consciousness of the statement hit me instantly, and I inwardly cringed. Mentally kicking myself for the lack of finesse, I tried to recover.

"Actually," I continued, hoping to inject a bit of intrigue, "I'm an IT cyber security specialist."

The words tumbled out in a rush, my voice echoing with the forced formality of a job interview. Blinking rapidly, I realized I'd completely missed the mark. This wasn't a boardroom, it was a chance encounter, and I was failing miserably.

"Cyber security, huh?" he chuckled. "That's fascinating. So, what sparked your interest in that field?"

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to relax. "It's kind of a family thing," I explained, my voice regaining a natural cadence. "Both my parents practically live in the IT world, and you know what they say, a secure future is a digital future."

"So, you're the guardian of information?" he teased.

"Something like that," I admitted. "Though these days, it feels more like keeping the bad guys at bay."

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