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Nico Marino ⚔️

I counted then recounted the money on the table. "Abel, why the fuck is the money counter showing fifteen stacks, if I put in twenty?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "I refuse to believe you're this fucking stupid."

I waited for a response.

"So you're just going to stand there and look fucking ugly."

"Nico, I didn't know the counters were off. I swear, but no matter what I say you'll think I'm lying." His hands started shaking. A tell-tale sign of a liar.

"You're right. I do. Tie him up." I instructed the others in the room.

Abel screamed as they drug him down the hallway into the torture chamber.

I picked up my phone. "Matteo."

"What's the word?" He replied in his usual fashion.

"Your stupid fucking friend said he didn't notice the money counters were operating incorrectly."

"How much are they off?"

"Five thousand per twenty. He made over a million dollars off us in the past two months."

"Are you taking care of it?"

"He's as good as dead. I'm going to see if anyone else has been skimming. I'll stay the full month. Send Xeno."

"Have you heard about your girl's father?" His question made me pause.

"No, what about him?"

"His plane apparently crashed yesterday or today. It's all over the news."

"Fuck. Let me deal with Abel then I'll deal with that."

"Ciao." I hung up the phone. 

My mind should be on a hundred ways to kill Abel. Instead, I'm thinking about Sapphire. I know how much her dad means to her. I'll call her as soon as I'm done with Abel.

I walked down the hall, stepping into the red room. I took off my suit jacket and Rolex. "Where are my gloves?"

"They're right here boss." Marcell handed me the black gloves I requested. I slid them on one by one.

"Nico, wait. I swear." I immediately punched Abel in his mouth.

"Don't insult my intelligence. I'm going to give you a lifeline. Did anyone know you were stealing our money or trying to get rich with you?"

I saw Abel's eyes look at Marcell then dart back to me. "No, it was only me."

"Perfect, you'll die alone." I picked up the gas can next to the door, dousing it over Abel. "Shut the fuck up." I spoke as his screams carried through the room. "The least you can do is die like a fucking man."

"Tell Matteo, I'm sorry." Abel spoke, spitting gasoline out of his mouth.

"He says go to hell." I lit a cigar, taking one puff, then flicked it at him. I watched as his screams became manic while his skin melted off. It was a scene. I took a polaroid to send to his family and another for Matteo.

"You good Boss?" Marcell asked.

"Peachy," I replied, taking my gun out of the holster shooting him between the eyes. His body made a loud thud as it hit the floor. "Clean this shit up." I waved the other guys in, removing my gloves then washing my hands.

I looked down at my shoes as I walked out the room. "Not a drop of blood on them." I said to myself.

Without thinking I dialed Sapphire's number, but there was no answer. I gave it a few hours then called back again. My anxiety started to build. I phoned the guard I hired to protect her. This asshole said he lost sight of her. My calls continuously went to her voicemail. I decided to text her, still no response.

EuphoriaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora