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Nico Marino ⚔️

I woke up early Sunday morning, exiting Sapphire's hotel room before sunrise.

Four phone calls later, I arrived at Johnston. The cause of the hellfire in Italy is unknown. Abel worked his way up in rank and was sent to preside over day to day operations, but his work has gotten sloppy. The fact that he called me during the middle of the night pissed me further off. Now he's called me four times in a row to ask me stupid shit.

There are too many loose ends to tie up. I'm hoping to remedy the problem without much bloodshed, but we shall see. My tech company runs itself, but money laundering does not. Italy needs me more than Marino Enterprises.

I sat in the parking lot, watching as Sapphire stepped outside her father's car. He hugged her then placed something in her hand. At that moment, I realized that he still saw her as his little girl. I should've followed Matteo's advice and dropped it. The situation has come too far now. I've taken something from her that she can't get back. I'll deal with any repercussions.

I waited ten minutes before knocking on Sapphire's door.

"That's rare." She spoke.

"I'm working on giving you personal space."

"Oh really?" She smiled.

"No, the key to your apartment is in my suitcase." I watched as she unpacked her new clothes and books. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. The pink sweats that covered her body hid her figure.

I thought about last night. How her breasts fit perfectly in my hands, the sweet look on her face as my cum dripped from her. Those eyes should've told me she was a virgin. The way I handled her soft body was entirely too rough. My heart dropped when I saw the purple marks on her hips. She deserved better.

"There should be laws against staring." Sapphire walked to me, kissing my lips. "What's on your mind?"

She constantly checks in with me. She wants to know if I'm  okay or what's happening. Honestly I don't trust people with that kind of information because they use it against you. I didn't want to share, but my judgment was skewed by her hand caressing my cheek.

"You and family stuff." That was the most I could say at that moment.

"Come here." Sapphire sat on her bed, pulling me with her. "Now lay your head on my lap."

"No." I looked at her with a straight face.

"Just try it. I promise I won't hurt you." There she was again, staring into my soul with her beautiful gray eyes. I shifted myself then laid my head on her lap. She slowly ran her fingers through my hair. "Close your eyes." I listened to her instructions as she started to hum. It was a sweet melody.

My mind drifted, I wasn't sure what happened. I felt like I was floating.

"Open your eyes. Do you feel better?"

"What the hell was that?" I asked. 

"It's a stress relieving thing. Best thirty minutes of your life, huh?"

"Thirty minutes?" I was completely thrown off. "It felt like two."

"You fell asleep for a brief moment. Now, what's wrong?"

"My family's business in Italy is not doing well. We're coming up against major problems, but I'm sure we'll end up on top."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Yes, but you have nothing to worry about."

"I'll accept that." I watched as she bit her lip.

"Now, it's your turn. I shouldn't have to ask more than once, Ms. Stress reliever."

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