Chapter 86

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Autumn was about to get April some water when the intercom rang. She picked it up as Zyler had already left for his work.

"What is it?" she asked the security guard.

"Madam, the senator is here," he spoke with urgency. "He is demanding that I let him in."

"Who?" Autumn didn't understand who it was.

"Liam Hart," the name made Autumn stop breathing. Why is he here now? She turned to look at April, who was playing with Peaches. The puppy put his head in her lap, and she kissed his head, massaging it repeatedly.

"No, I will come outside," she didn't want April to meet Liam yet. God knows what situation that is going to put her into.

She contemplated texting Zyler to let him know Liam was there, but was it the right move? She hung up on the security guard and picked up her phone to text Zyler but decided against it.

"Rilley," she called for April.

"Hm," she laughed, trying to stop herself from smiling as Peaches was licking her hand. She looked happy and ethereal.

"I have to take care of a delivery for Zy. I will see you in 15 minutes. I am locking the door. Don't come outside. It is Zyler's business, and he doesn't like it when someone else receives the delivery other than me." She didn't wait for an answer, so she locked the door and closed the shades from the outside.

With rushed steps, she almost ran to the door. She didn't want a minute's delay in this interaction.

Hurrying toward Liam's parked car, she caught his attention. The man stepped out of his vehicle, his expression shifting swiftly from joy to disillusionment to sorrow within moments.

Autumn saw that. She almost scoffed. Did he think April would come to see him? How delusional is this man?

"Why are you here?" She didn't waste a minute. She got straight to the point.

"I am here to see my wife," he calmly answered. He was calm and composed for a man of his caliber and cruelty. She didn't think this was possible for him. Was this all an act? There was no security, no cameras, no I am the senator look on his face. He looked like a man who had lost everything. His face was dull and dead-looking.

"Wife?" Autumn almost laughed. I sent you the divorce papers a long time ago. She doesn't want to see you," Autumn convinced April to sign the divorce papers after they moved to Iceland. April didn't want to think about her marriage to Liam, but given their circumstances, she felt it was best to let go of all her ties with Liam. So, she decided to do it.

"I never signed on them, and I never will. I am ready to beg for her forgiveness and wait for her for a lifetime, but I am not ready to let her go," he wasn't taking the route of threats or fire. He was taking the route of patience this time. He wanted April to forgive him and return to him in her own time, not by force.

"That is never happening," Autumn was willing to stand guard and protect her sister if need be.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but I am smart enough to put it together, and you will never, I repeat, never come near her EVER AGAIN," she enunciated every letter of the word from the other side of the gate.

This time, it was Liam's turn to laugh. "Living with him made you bold," he said. He knew how courageous Zyler was, and it rubbed off on Autumn.

"Did April tell you she doesn't want to be with me?" he inquired, his gaze scanning for her frantically, almost manically.

"Did she have to? Do you not know what happened between you two? Do you not know why she chose not to be with you?" she almost screamed—the audacity of this man. "You are a monster, and I will never let April go through it again."

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