Chapter 17

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Autumn came home that night after celebrating a bit with Rowena. Her life saw some light after a long time. Amidst the stalker chaos and all, this news is like a breath of fresh air. Maybe a nice man like Lucius was all she needed right now. As she came home, she couldn't help but feel uneasy. "You are a scaredy little cat," her conscience teased her.

Autumn noticed a strange object on her porch as she approached her front door. A sense of unease washed over her as she drew closer. It was a small shoebox tied up with a black ribbon, and a bouquet of black dahlias was placed next. She knew what it meant. Trembling, she cautiously picked up the box, her heart racing. The package was surprisingly heavy, and as she untied the ribbon and lifted the lid, she was hit with a putrid, nauseating smell. Autumn's eyes widened in horror as she gazed upon the grotesque sight inside the box: a severed head, bloodied and rotting.

Blood dripped from its eyes and mouth. Autumn's breath caught in her throat as she stumbled backward, her hand clamped over her mouth. She felt sick to her stomach, the stench of blood and rot overwhelming her senses. Trembling hands reached for the flowers, and she felt a note tucked in the arrangement.

"I don't make empty threats, baby. Stay away from men," the note read in bold letters. Autumn felt a cold shiver run down her spine, her heart pounding.

She stumbled backward, falling onto the ground as her stomach heaved. The smell of head mixed with the pungent aroma of the flowers, causing her to vomit uncontrollably. She retched until she emptied her stomach.

Unbeknownst to her, Zyler watched from the shadows, a wicked smile curling up his lips. He had planned this perfectly, and it was even better than he had imagined. Seeing her so vulnerable and terrified made his heart race with excitement. He knew he had her right where he wanted her.

He stood in the shadows, watching Autumn struggle with the sight of that head and the note. He could feel the fear emanating from her and savored every moment of it.

Autumn's mind raced as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Who could do this? Why would someone target her? Was it because of her connection to Lucius? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling in the shadows. She spun around, but there was no one there. Or was there?

Fear consumed her as she realized that someone was watching her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she tried to make out any movement, any sound. She couldn't see them, but she knew they were there, lurking in the darkness, and she was right. The monster in the darkness relished in the fear he had caused. He felt a rush of power, knowing he could easily control her emotions. He wanted her to see that she was his, that she belonged to him. And he would do anything to keep her under his control.

He watched as Autumn stumbled and vomited, her tears mixing with the bile on the ground. He felt a twinge of guilt, but he quickly pushed it aside. That wasn't guilt, he isn't capable of that emotion. The only thing he is capable of is inflicting pain on others and thriving on it. This was what he wanted. He wanted her to fear and need him, to be under his spell.

Zyler felt a sense of satisfaction as he watched Autumn's reaction. He could see the fear in her eyes, the way she trembled and cried. It was a power he relished, knowing that he had the ability to control her emotions and make her feel vulnerable.

But there was something else he felt as well, something deeper and more sinister. A thrill ran through him as he watched her suffering, a sense of pleasure in her pain. It was twisted and cruel, but he couldn't help himself.

Zyler had always been drawn to the darker side of life, to the things that most people would shy away from. The thought of Autumn's fear and terror was like a drug to him, something he couldn't resist. It was what had led him down this path in the first place, and it was what kept him going now.

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