Chapter 58

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Autumn came out of the restroom, still not meeting eyes with Zyler's eyes. He stared at her with longing in his eyes. She grabbed her blanket and a pillow. "Where are you going?" he crossed his arms.

"I am not sleeping next to you," she turned to the mirror and started braiding her hair, not looking at him.

"You are," he rounded to her side and stood behind her.

"Then I am not sleeping at all," She pivoted, now facing him.

"Atty, don't be stubborn," he reached out to grab her, but the girl didn't want to be touched, which pissed him more, but he didn't show it on his face as he had already messed up.

"Please, Atty," he sighed.

"I want to be alone. I hope you can respect that," now crossing him, she reached to go down the steps when Zyler stopped her. He picked her up, and she began protesting. "How long will you force me?" she asked as he carried her to their bed. He was hurt, and so was she.

"Until the day you realize you are mine and there is no escape from me," he gazed into her eyes, putting her on the bed.

"And you wonder why I dislike you," she turned around, pulling the blanket onto her body. She didn't have the energy to fight him anymore. Letting God decide her face, she closed her eyes, falling into a deep slumber. While Autumn was asleep, Zyler didn't have a wink of sleep. He stared at the Borealis that had now disappeared. It was as if the heavens didn't want to be with him if she wasn't.

"You are one stubborn girl, baby," he wheeled his head around, facing her. He brushed his knuckles on her cheeks, feeling her warm breath on his wrists. "I know how to make this right," kissing her on her forehead, he pulled her closer.

"Heaven and earth may fall. My enemies might end me, but my breath is yours, and I will never let you go," Autumn sighed in her sleep, crossing her arms on her chest in protest. Feeling content and hopeful, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

They awoke and boarded the jet back to the States the following day. Autumn rose before him, but she was uncharacteristically quiet and withdrawn. She didn't listen to her music and sat there looking gloomy and exhausted. He didn't like it, but he didn't disturb her.

The jet landed in the States, but he didn't take her home. Instead, the car took a different route. He noticed her face change from usual to worried, but she didn't ask him where he was taking her.

When she was in the bathroom, Zyler received a call from Joel informing him that Elaine had fainted again and been taken to the hospital. Typically, Zyler would have insisted on being there with his mother, but given her condition, he didn't dare disturb her. He was determined, however, to have Elaine and Autumn meet. No matter what had happened between him and his mother or whether she remembered him, he wanted her to know Autumn. Maybe this would ease his guilt a bit.

When the car stopped, Autumn peered out the window, curious to see where they were. Zyler chuckled at her curiosity. "You will see," he opened the door for her, and she stepped out.

He scanned the surroundings and walked inside. "Are you planning to kidnap me and hide me here?" she elbowed him and moved out of his arms.

"Come on, baby girl. I'm anything but predictable." He noticed her rolling her eyes, a habit she had developed in recent days. They reached a room on the top floor, away from everything. He opened the door and stepped inside with her. Autumn wasn't sure what was happening, but she followed him, her gaze drawn to the frame lying on the bed.

A man in his 70s immediately got up and walked up to Zyler. "Hello, Mr. Stone. I am Dr. Chen," he greeted Zyler, but the man ignored the doctor.

"How is she?" Autumn noticed how rude Zyler was to people around him.

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