Chapter 63

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Zyler's car screeched to a halt in front of a building. The sun just started to come up on the horizon. He slammed on the brakes, flung the door open, and immediately spotted Cole waiting by the entrance. "Is everything in order?" Zyler inquired, his voice laced with urgency as he opened the car door and gently lifted April's unconscious form into his arms.

Cole had already arranged a setup inside the house for April's arrival. He stepped aside to make way for Zyler, his expression tinged with apprehension. "I am scared," Cole made way for Zyler, and he paid no attention to the man. Was he scared? No, but he wasn't sure if he made the right move by kidnapping the woman that Liam was so hell-bent on keeping a secret.

"I want someone to watch over her 24/7—no sloppy guards. This is important," Zyler gently put her on the bed.

"What will Liam do when he finds out she is gone?" He feared that this daring move might ignite a full-fledged gang war, with Zyler showing no restraint.

"Let me worry about that." he locked the door and walked out of the house. He got in his car and drove home. The house was silent. He knew she must've been asleep, or maybe she wasn't. She loves that dog too much to leave him alone and fall asleep. Now that she reunited with him long ago, she would spend more time with him. The thought enraged him.

A wave of unease washed over him as he pushed open the door to their room. The room was conspicuously vacant, and a growing worry gnawed at him as his eyes darted around, searching for any sign of her. Then, like a haunting refrain, he heard the laughter that had trapped him, making him captive to her whims.

He followed it like a siren song, her voice a dark, hypnotic melody that overpowered his every instinct. His fingers brushed the curtain aside, revealing her on the balcony, engrossed in her twisted play with the wretched animal. She twirled the dog around, her affectionate gestures bordering on madness—hugging, kissing, and manically tickling the creature until it barked like it was in the throes of some malevolent height.

Zyler's eyes closed as if of their own accord, his senses drowning in the intoxicating atmosphere. Her silky hair brushed gently against his rugged face, a scent uniquely hers that eluded his attempts to define. At that moment, he couldn't help but envision a future with her, a life where they shared children, and he returned home each day, weary but comforted by the sight of her. Just as they did now, her smile and presence had the uncanny ability to ease his deepest tensions, even in the darkest recesses of his world.

He watched her with Peaches in her bubble, unaware of his gaze on her, just as he had done the first time, the very act that had ignited his whole consuming obsession. The dog barked at him, bursting the bubble of that beautiful moment. She turned around and noticed him standing there, turning rigid. Her free stance was gone.

"What are you doing here?" She settled into the chair, cradling her baby in her lap while tenderly stroking the dog's fur. His eyes fixated on the animal, a seething jealousy simmering within him. It had always been his rightful place—the center of her attention. The dog, blissfully unaware, let out a contented yawn.

"This is my house, after all, isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting to her, a possessive glint in his eyes.

Autumn chucked, "Right. I will leave then," she got up, ready to head out.

"No, wait," he immediately got up with her. He didn't want that moment to end.

She let out a weary sigh, sinking back into her seat. A tense silence settled over them, punctuated only by the watchful gaze of Autumn fixed on her dog and his unwavering stare trained upon her.

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