🐇🥚[Easter special.] [Special chapter]🩸

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me, oh so tight
Show me that you love me, too~"

"Cmon! Cmon!, Alasdair honey it's you're turn!."
"But mommy.. I don't like huge bunnies,"
"Oh but they like you!" She said as she grabbed his arm and lifted him up and putting him on the bunny man's lap, it held him by the waist firmly so he wouldn't slip off.

"Alright now smile for you're mommy honey!" Alasdair's mom said,


"Oh come on dear you could smile better than that.. SMILE!"

His mother pressured him so alasdair did.

"That's more like it!" His mother said with a happy voice, "Yeaah.. .. mommy, can we please go home?" "Aww.. so soon? Alright then honey." Alasdair's mother said happily,


"Alasdair, how about we do a Easter hunt?" She said with a smile.. something was off but alasdair didn't call her out, he just nodded silently "okay mama," okay.. so I got you ten eggs.. when you find them put it in this basket where mommy is!

Alasdair mother explained.
"okay mommy!" Alasdair's eyes sparkled as he giggled, alasdair closed his eyes as she went to
Put the eggs in hidden places.. by the time she was done she told him to search for the eggs, "Alasdair! It's time!" She said as she walked back and sat by the bench, alasdair giggled and started running in the grassy flowered field with some trees and bushes. It took him awhile but by the time he came back his mother wasn't there, nor was her purse or anything she was gone. He panicked and began to cry immediately. "MAMA! MAA!" He shouted, yet no response.

"Mama..?" He said between soft sniffles. So he sat by the bench and waited, it's gotten late yet he still waited.. and waited, it was a rainy night now, his eggs got wet too. He still waited but she never came back, as if.. she forgotten, so he stood up with his Easter bag and walked around before walking down a side walk going nowhere, he was scared. He was worried and started to think if he should still wait and not be reported missing yet.. he didn't know, his body was hesitating but forcing him to move,

Step.. step.. step.. "!?... " he looked around and saw a boy approaching, the same one at that valentine candy shop!, once he got a better look he ran up to him, "e-excuse me!" Alasdair shouted catching the boys attention, his eyes where dark pale purple, black messy hair with an umbrella, holding his dry Easter basket, he stared at alasdair with a judging look ,

🚂 Ribbons with Strings.🥀Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ