Chapter two. {"Hello Alasdair."} 🥀📜

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🗝 ☕ 🕰 📜 🎞 🖋️
He was steady in bed.. listening to his music box that contains a music called "come little children" a lullaby he is very fond with and can't get a hold of himself, "come little children.. ~ 𝄞 I'll take, Thee away.. ♪.. into a land of enchantment..~ ♪ come little children, the times come to play.. here in my garden of shadows.."
he sung and sway his body side to side.. lost in a blissful moment, a song so old but so beautiful he felt like a kid again. A pure angel that wasn't dirty.. he hummed the tune gently, just hearing it reminded it so much of his loving mother, his eyes began to swollen and overwhelmed with heated tears, a pinch of pain when his eyes began to water, tears trickling down his cold cheeks. The sun rising early around 7:00 AM. In such a winter morning, he soon shut his music box off gently.. before putting it away and check on his cat mocha, still fast asleep he sees, Alasdair just gave a soft warm smiling peering upon his face, before hearing a knock, "ah!.. who could that be?" Alasdair thought before gently getting up and walking to the door, his hand grasp the handle very gently before turning it, peering to see who it was..

a distorted face with heavy small eyes sockets piercing at him, dark rusted skin with a huge smile spread upon that ugly face and a thin very thin paranoia type of body like the rake and slim very very long hands slowly crept up as Alasdair gasped and held tightly on the door his pupils shrink in fear. Before blinking, it was just a woman.

"H—-ha!.. ahh..can-.. can I help you?" Alasdair said clearly startled, "Oh, hello!, you're Alasdair right? Alasdair.. Holmes?" The women asked checking her paper board, Alasdair gazed down at it, seeing things has been written before gently looking up at the women, he slowly opened his mouth and spoke, "Yes, that is me.. is there.. something wrong?" He said shyly. "No, not at all!, I am just checking in on passengers to mark who's here. ("What is this..? Some type of school?, weird.") Alasdair said in his head, as the women continued to speak.. "breakfast will be served soon so I suggest you get ready and head to the dining car, alright?" The lady smiled so friendly but Alasdair was just staring at the women before nodding, "okay thank you for informing me," Alasdair said before shutting the door gently, making a clicked sound, he turned around slowly and walked over to his bed, his gentle footsteps approaching the bed to check on the kitty, he slowly put it in his white pocket so his fur can blend in with his clothing.. he fixed his hair, brushing and and combing it gently, he soon went through his luggage carefully to get a clean rag he took with him, he approached his sink and started wetting the rag inside his sink, The cold water falling upon his slim cold hands. such a refresh feeling, of ice cold water washing down, makes him feel clean already. He soon washed his face and dried it with a white soft towel, he felt movements in his huge pocket, he sighed  and pulled out mocha, "please mocha, just for now, can you be a good girl for me and not move so much?. Will have breakfast together I promise.. I'll make sure to find something you're able to eat," He talked to the kitten softly before pampering her, she purred before relaxing, Alasdair soon put her gently back in his white soft trench coat, he then put on a new shirt, white buttoned one but same pants and shoes, he gently put his trench coat back on, and wore his shoes once more then walked out, a radio played in the dining car, sounded like an old song Lesley gore, "why was she holding his hand when he's suppose to be mine?. ♪ it's my party and I cry if I want to~ ♪ cry! If I want to.. " Alasdair didn't seem to pay any kind of attention to the song that is playing. He sat down on a table alone, looking around the dining car, only to spot Antonio, Antonio soon acknowledged his appearance as he got up and walked over to him and sat across him, "Alasdair! My my I didn't think you'd actually come out that cave of yours!," Antonio jokingly said which made Alasdair roll his eyes "is that a bad thing?" Alasdair said with a small attitude, Antonio just grinned and shook his head "no no.. of course it's not!, it's not a bad thing, not at all."
Antonio reassured as he smiled at Alasdair, "so how did you sleep?" Antonio asked, Alasdair's eyes slowly peered at Antonio, and his appearance, elegant as usual..

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