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A/N- Check out Our Talented Love by UnknownA_bi8

"They're coming," the pixie vampire yells at us. We line up by the fire of burning newborns. I stand between Rose and Pixie as four dark figures approach. Three of them were male and one female, but you can tell the small female is the leader.

They take their hoods off. "Impressive," says the girl in the middle. Something about her makes me anxious. "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." her voice is like a dangerous whisper. She couldn't be older than 13 at most. "We were lucky," Carlisle says, not giving away the wolves.

"I doubt that." She says like she knows something. The boy next to her that looks around the same age as her speaks, "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." His voice is soft like the girls but not quite a whisper. "Yes," the girl cooes

"It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." I narrow my eyes at her. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose." Eddie speaks. There's an edge to his voice.

The girl stares at Eddie, "Pity." She looks to where the newborn that we saved, "you missed one." I glare at her and walk over to the newborn with Jazz. Carlisle looks back at us, then back at the Voltori. "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender."

"That wasn't yours to offer." The girl says, and I get angry.
"Considering that we were the ones fighting them, I think it was." I speak up my voice hard, and I stare right into her red eyes with a glare. She looks taken back.

"And who's this?" She glances at Carlisle then back to me in curiosity. "That is Carlie, you will not hurt her." Carlisles' voice is hard, something I had never heard before.

The girl looks back to the newborn. "Why did you come?" she demands, then the newborn drops to the ground screaming in pain. "Who created you?" I step towards the Voltori, but Jazz pulls me back. "You don't need to do that she'll tell you anything you want." Esme speaks.

"I know," She says with a tiny smirk. The newborn speaks from the ground. "i-i don't know! Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." I glance to Eddie.

"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." My eyes widen the Voltori were hoping the newborns took us out. "Edward, if the Voltori had any knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her." Carlisle says as he looks back to the girl. "Isn't that right, Jane?" So the girls name is Jane.

"Of course. Felix, " the guy to her left and my right stepped forward. Before I knew it, I ran in front of the newborn
"You touch her, and I'll burn you alive." I threaten. I feel very protect over her, and she's older than me.

"Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't hurt you." I glare. I see a hint of fear on Felix's eyes. I look at Jane to "she had no choice in turning into a vampire. Victoria did it because she wanted revenge. Now, if you punish her for being what she is. You better punish yourself because you've killed and tortured more than anyone here."

Jane looks at me, trying not to show fear. "That newborn will be taught to our ways, and if you don't like that, then you can burn with the rest." I seethed. All four took a step back.

"Caius will be interested to know she's still human." Jane says, changing the subject. "The date is set," momma says.

Jane looks to the newborn then to me, and I just glare at her. "Come on, I'd like to go home." They speed off. "Didn't know the Voltori was scared of a little girl. Way to go, little swan. You scared the fangs out of them." Emmett says. I grin and look back at the newborn. I hold my hand out, and she takes it hesitantly.

"Thank you," she whispers. I nod and look at Eddie. "Her name is Bree." I smile at him. "What was Rileys orders?" I ask in a whisper.

"He said we had to fight yellow eye vampires that had a human pet and something of our creators. They gave us two scents. One smelled so good, and he said whoever gets to her first gets a bite. The second one didn't make us thirsty it was calming. He said we had to bring her to him and not a scratch to be hurt on her, or there were major consequences."

I look at Eddie with wide eyes. Why would Victoria want me?

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