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"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffuce."

I sit in the meadow in momma's lap listening to her read, Edward picks me up and tosses me in the air. I laugh as I fall back down into his arms.

"Be careful, please! You know I got an English Final. I gotta focus, and I can't do that when you're throwing my daughter in the air." Momma Scolds Eddie.

Eddie just laughs. "I'm sorry, Bella, but I love making her laugh, sense i can't make her talk yet," he explains as the sun comes out and makes him sparkle. I touch his face in awe at the glittery skin. 'Eddie's a disco ball!' I think to myself. He playfully glares at me. "I'm not a disco ball," momma laughs.

"I can actually see it," she says, still laughing. "Now look what you started," he playfully scolds me while I just giggle and grin.

"We have to leave, I have to be back at four," Momma says, packing up.
Eddie says and puts me on his shoulders. We all start walking back to the truck.

I run inside to Grandpa and hug him.
He smiles and hugs me back. "Hey, baby girl, did you have fun?" I nod
"Yup," I climbed into his lap and started reading the newspaper he was reading. "Four o clock on the dot. That kid trying to brown nose me know or something."

"He has a name, now he's too punctual for you?" I look at the tension in the room and turn on the TV to make it look like I was watching it and not listening to the conversation. 

"Ok, you understand why you're being punished, right?"

"I know, I put you through hell,"

"Yes, you did, but I gave other reasons for grounding you. Like, uh. I just want you to get some separation from him. "

"Dad, we're friends. He's trying to earn mine, and Carlies trust back."

"Oh, well, it seemed like you were back together."

Momma shakes her head. "So, alright, how about this? I'll make you a deal. You're not grounded anymore. If you use your newfound freedom to see some of your other friends, too, like Jacob" I perk up at the mention of Jake, I haven't seen him since momma came back after saving Eddie. 

"He's going through a tough time right now. His dad's really worried about him. I remember when that was you and Carlie. You guys needed a friend Jake was there."

I look at momma, hopeful. 'Can we really go see Jake and the wolves?' I miss my boys and Em's cooking.

Later that night, we were in momma's room, and she was trying to call Jake. Key word trying, he wouldn't answer. She tried calling Em and Sammy, but they wouldn't answer. What was going on?

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