the talk

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After school, Edward drives to the Swan house to go speak to Charlie Swan.

Edward knocks hesitantly knocks on the door. When Charlie answers, he straitened up his posture and stuck out his hand.

"Hello, Chief Swan, I wanted to see if we could talk?" Edward asks politely. Charlie shakes Edwards' hand and looks at him skeptical.

He then nods and motions Edward to follow him into the house. He leads Edward to the couch and sits down while Edward sits on the love seat.

"I also wanted to say a few things to you," Charlie tells Edward sternly. "I wanted to talk about what happened when you left." Charlie says.

"I know sir and I'm sorry I left Bella like that, I thought that she would be safer if I wasn't in her life, ever since I appeared in her life she's been getting hurt." Edward says, trying to explain his reason for leaving and not give away his secret.

"I understand that, and I respect you trying to keep her safe. But that made things worse. She tried keeping an act , but I could see through it. You hurt her badly." Charlie tells him.

Edward nods. "I know, and I would take it back if I could. I love your daughter and will do anything to protect her, same for Carlie. That little girl is like a daughter to me."

"Edward, let me tell you something, Bella loves you. She really does. But she's also afraid to get hurt again, so if you wanna be in her life, you gotta show her you ain't leaving."

"Yes, sir, I know, and I would like to ask you for permission to court your daughter again." Edward bows his head a little.
Charlie raises an eyebrow at this.

"Court? Bella was right. You are old school." He chuckles

"Here, how about this? You can 'court' my daughter again if you promise not to leave like that again, and let her have friends. She doesn't just need to hang out with your family. She needs friends like Jacob." Charlie explains.

Edward nods. "Yes, sir, I promise not to leave again, and I promise to give her her space and have friends outside of my family."

Charlie grunts in approval. "Now run along." Charlie waves his hand, making Edward chuckle and leave the house. He was satisfied with how things turned out.

Meanwhile, at La Push...

Carlie and Emily were baking homemade cookies for the guys when they returned from patrol. Carlie decided to make some mischief by grabbing a hand full of flour and throwing it at Emily.

Emily gasped as she was soon covered in flour. "Why you little rascal!!" Emily smiles mischievously. She grabs a handful of flour and throws it at Carlie.

Carlie giggles and does it back. Emily laughing grabs an egg and cracks it on Carlie's head. It soon became a food war. Making a mess out of the kitchen.

Outside, Sam could hear his imprints giggling and laughing, making him smile but curious about what they were doing. He walked in, only to be hit in the face with flour.

The giggles stopped, and Sam looked around the kitchen in shock. "What are you two doing?!" He asks.

"Uhhh, she started it!" Carlie quickly points to Emily.
Emily gasps "did not you little rascal!" Emily starts tickling Carlie, making her laugh uncontrollably.

Sam smiles, then joins in on the tickling but tickles Emily.
Soon, all were in a fit of laughter.

A/n hey peoples sorry it's been so long, a lot has happened with me becoming sick, and Wattpad wanting to delete my work, to my bf breaking up with me. So, my mental health hasn't been the best. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter^⁠_⁠^

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