You're a girl?

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"Who's this?" Em asks, glancing at us.
"Bella Swan, who else?" Jare Bear says, Em smiles."Hmm, so you're the vampire girl,"

"So you're, you're the wolf girl." Em chuckles, "Guess so, well I'm engaged to one. " I stare at em confused."Sammy's a girl?" I ask, really confused.

Everyone bursts out laughing, 'What is so funny?' Jare Bear starts choking on a muffin, I look at him in concern.
"Save some for your brothers and ladies first," Em scolds the boys. "Muffin?" She asks momma. "Sure, thank you." Momma is so awkward when she takes the muffin.

"Leave it to Jacob to find away around Sam's gag order."
"Um, he didn't say anything to me,"

"That's a wolf thing, Alphas orders get obeyed whither we want them to or not, and checks it out. We can read each other's thoughts." Embry tells momma. "Will shut up. These are trade secrets, Dammit this chick runs with vampires,"

"Jared, watch your mouth around hopes," Embry scolds. "Can't really run with vampires." Momma defends. We all look at her weird "cause their fast," she awkwardly explains. "Oh yeah? Well, we're faster, freaked out yet?"

"You're not the first monsters I met,"
Sammy walks in. "Jake's right, you're good with weird." Sammy walks straight to me and gives me a kiss on the head, then heads to Em and kisses her. "EW! YUCKY!"

"Angel cakes is right, hey, none of that I'm eating!" Jare Bear exclaims, putting his hand of my eyes."Then shut up and eat," Sammy retorts.

I hear Jake and Paulie laughing, and when Jare Bear takes his hand away, I see them looking at Paulie and his new scar.

Embry looks at Jare Bear smugly, then at me. "Now I think both of you owe me something," I smile evily, at Jare Bear, and he gulps. Paulie takes me from Embry and sits me on his lap and sniffs me? He relaxes.

"Em, I need your makeup,"
"Upstairs in the bathroom." Paulie carries me upstairs to get the makeup.


"Done!" I exclaim and hold up the mirror to Jare Bear as he stares in horror. "You look so pretty!" I giggle while everyone laughs. "Alright, it's time for bed," Jake says. I'm allowed to stay the night tonight, so we're all having a sleepover.

I ran upstairs to get dressed, I have a headwing onesie.

"Oh Sammy, I didn't know you were a girl," I say. Everyone bursts out laughing like last time while Sammy looks offended, "who said I was?"
"Em did," he looks at Em, and she puts her hands up as if to say, 'I'm innocent'

A/N- what hogwarts house should Carlie be in? I'm a hufflepuff.🖤💛🦡

Carlie SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora