Bella found out

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                        3rd pov.

Bella got a ride from Edward to school, Edward talked about how Carlie was teasing and making fun of him the whole time Bella was gone, making Bella laugh and smile.

That smile was turned into a confused frown when she saw Jacob Black waiting by his motorcycle, arms crossed, and a glare on his face.

Edward seemed to stiffen and frown at the thoughts going through Jacob's head.

Bella walked up to Jacob with Edward close behind. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Jacob seems to ignore the question and ask one of his own, "Why wasn't Carlie in La Push this weekend?" He was straight forward wanting an answer on why his imprint wasn't in La Push and instead in a house full of vampires.

Bella looked confused. "She was supposed to go there on Saturday, was she not there?" Bella turned to Edwrad, who had a guilty look on his face.

"No," Jacob said with a stiff voice his glare was now on Edward. It was Bella's turn to glare at Edward. People started to crowd around the trio, wanting to know what the problem was. They heard the name Carlie and wanted to know who she was.

"Edward, she was supposed to go over there. You know how freaked out they get when she's not around when she's supposed to be." Bella scolds Edward, then Jacob said something that caught Bella off guard. "I'm here to warn you if your kind come on our land again -"

Bella interrupts "wait what?" Jacob looks at her, confused, then smirks at Edward."You didn't tell her?"

"I haven't got the chance to yet," Edward defends himself.
"What happened?" Bella says, wanting to know what happened.
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding. It's nothing to worry about." Edward tried to reassure her.

Jacob chuckled sarcastically. "If that's what you want to call it, Paul can't even calm down because Carlie isn't around," Jacob says. "What happened to get Paul so upset?" Bella asks.

"Alice saw Victoria coming last minute. That's why we forgot to give Carlie to them. Esme stayed with Carlie at the house while we tried to catch her. She crossed over to their territory, and Emmett didn't realize just wanting to catch her. Paul saw him as a threat and threw Emmett into the water." Edward explained.

Bella scoffed and walked off into school. Jacob hopped on his motorcycle and drove to the Swan house, planning on taking Carlie from the Momma Vampire, Esme Cullen.

A/N- I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. Every time I tried, I'd get distracted. Plus, I just got back in contact with my best friend that I haven't seen or heard from in 5 years.

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