e i g h t e e n

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The group of five walk through the woods barley escaping the Furies from the bus. Clarisse has her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders protective of her because of the monsters. The saytr looks around " Somewhere up ahead, this turns into a saytr path " he informs them after he stops his singing that was slowly starting to annoy everyone.

" What's a saytr path? " Percy asks his best friend, the daughter of Ares has to hold her tongue around the boy.

" It's a road through the wilderness, saytr explores use them. Harder to track us " Grover tells his best friend. The raven haired girl leans into Clarisse tired.

" That's great, but if we stay in the wilderness how are we going to find a phone? " Percy asks everyone, carrying his box.

" What would we need a phone for? " the daughter of Athena asks looking at him for a second. " So we can call camp " Percy states like it's obvious, Ariella sighs trying to tune out the conversation. The blond haired boy adds " T-to get help " he doesn't understand fully what was going on.

" We don't need help. We're fine. " Annabeth tells the boy, knowing they wouldn't get help no matter what. Percy looks at the girl dumbfounded " We're fine? " he scoffs that the girl " We haven't even got to Trenton and were wondering through a forest " he rolls his eyes.

" I didn't even know they had a forest in New Jersey but we found on " He adds making Clarisse roll her eyes at the boy, tightening her arm around her girls shoulder.

" We were sent on a quest by the Orcale, by the Gods. Did you think it would be easy? The only help the camp sent was Ariella and Clarisse that's it " Annabeth tells the boy. The daughter of Ares looks at the dark skinned girl offended " that's why only certain people are chosen " .

" Listen here seaweedbrain this is it suck it up and get it together " Clarisse tells the boy before Ariella smacks her shoulder giving her a look.

" Calling back to camp will tell them it was a mistake to choose us " The daughter of Athena tells the boy getting frustrated with him. The blonde boy shrugs " I'm completely comfortable with that " he tells the girl.

Annabeth stops and turns to the boy " Why are you so afraid of who you are? " she asks him.

" What? " Percy asks raising his eyebrows at the girl. Grover looks between the two who are staring each other down " You know, what's interesting about this particular saytr path my uncle Ferdinand took this when he set out on his own quest. " he tells them, proud of his uncle that he admires.

"What was that suppose to mean, afraid of who I am? I'm not afraid." Percy looking at Grover for a second before focusing his attention to Annabeth once again " Yes, you are." She tells him, sure of herself. "You aren't just a kid.
"Just a kid" doesn't do what you did to Clarisse back at camp." Annabeth points out. The daughter of Ares groans thinking about how he drenched her in toilet water.

"Just a kid doesn't have Hades sending top lieutenants to retrieve them." Annabeth tells the blonde curly headed boy. "You know, you are a part of something so much bigger than we can understand right now. We have to move forward, whether you like it or not. Whether you want to or not."

"You don't want to call camp, fine. Then, at least let's call your mom." Percy tells her, not knowing that Demi-gods can't communicate with their parents unless their parents talk to them too. Ariella sighs tired of listening to the two argue like an old married couple.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth steps closer to Percy clearly taking his words to offense.

"Athena? Your mother." Percy tells the dark skinned girl. "I'd call my father but we aren't exactly in speaking terms. You know because of the life long neglect and all" He adds looking down at the floor still hurt over his father.

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