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The sky was dark as she walking down the road the moon glowing in the sky. The fog and gloominess consuming her every step she took. She shivered I knew I should have took a coat to practice she thought.

She was only minutes from home when she looked down at the road seeing a beautiful silver bracelet. Not being able to help herself she picked it up. Looking at the way the moon reflected from the charms on it. She didn't realize she was still walking till she bumped into someone. About to fall and hand grabs her arm. The young girl looked up to see an older woman with pale skin and silver hair looking at her " are you alright " she asked not letting go of the girl. She nodded and said nothing trying to walk away from the woman but she wouldn't let go. She swore she saw her eyes change color for a split second but she thought her eyes were just playing tricks on her.

The woman stared down at the short girl sniffing the air " you think I cant smell you demi god you think I'm that dumb " the old woman says still holding the poor girl. " I d-don't know what your talking s-sir let me go please " The girl begs starting to worry for her life. She finally gets out of the woman's grip and everything in her tells her to run so that's what she does. The older woman smiles a creepy smile yelling " you can't run little one I will find you " and she starts chasing the girl. Soon the older woman catches up to the young girl and pushes her to the ground.

Looking up Ariella sees the older woman but this time snakes are coming out of her head and all her silver hair was gone. She had scales covering some parts of her skin that was showing and claws. What the fuck is that Ariella thinks to herself scared out of her own mind. " wh-what what are you " The monster laughs " silly girl I am a Gorgon " the monster steps forward towards the young girl. " I quite like the cat and mouse game so go run little girl but I will find you and when I get you I will eat you " The Gorgon tells the young girl pulling her up from the floor. Ariella doesn't think twice and starts running still clutching the silver bracelet.

The snake headed woman watches the pretty little girl run away from her and she smiles. Ariella looks down at the bracelet and puts it on her wrist while running not knowing why she is she just felt like it was right. The sword charm on the bracelet glows and the girl looks at her wrist then back behind her to see the Gorgon walking towards her slowly as if waiting to pounce. The raven haired girl pulls the charm and a sword falls into her hand. Shocked she continues to run away turning the corner she sees her house start to show up. She hears the Gorgon make a growl like sound and she speeds up running into her house slamming the door shut.

Her dad who was sitting in the living room looks at his daughter who had unshed tears in her eyes clutching a sword. " what happened to you " he asked his daughter. She shakes her head and was about to open her mouth when the door broke from its hinges and the Gorgon walks in smiling " more food great " she says to the father and daughter.

She runs speeding to the young girl about to pounce on her when Ariella moves out of the way in the last second. She looks at the snake headed woman then at the sword in her hand. The Gorgon growls having enough of the games wanting to feed on the demi god all ready. Ariella looks at her father " use the sword kid come on " he tells his daughter scared for her and him self. He knew the Gorgon wants his daughter more so than him.

The Gorgon grabs the young girl throwing her into wall. She hits her head hard and she groans and pulls herself up. The Gorgon charges at the young demi god and Ariella hold the sword up in-front of her not knowing what to do and the Gorgon runs straight through the sword turning into dust. Ariella falls straight to the floor staring at the sword in-front of her in shock. Did I just kill that thing? What's going on? What's a demi god? a thousand thoughts ran through the poor girls head.

Standing up on shaky legs she looks at her dad running up to him and hugging him. He holds his daughter close then grabs her running to his car throwing his daughter into the passenger seat. He runs inside his house grabbing a bag filled with his daughter's clothes and some of her belongings and handing it to her and getting into the car and starts speeding off. " Dad what's going on what are you doing " Ariella asks her father looking at him with her doe eyes scared for herself and for what just happened to her. He looks at his daughter than back at the road " Okay kid I need you to listen to me very carefully do you understand " he says to his daughter still looking at the road. She nods taking a deep breath " I'm listening " she tells him.

" Those stories I used to tell you about the Greek Gods and demi gods and all the monsters there real " The father tells his daughter looking at her for a split second. " wha- what are you talking about dad that thing was a monster? " she asks him not understanding what was going on. He sighs " Yes that was a monster a Gorgon to be exact it wants to kill you because your a demi god, I thought we had more time but I guess not " he says to his scared and shaking daughter. " so what now dad what are we doing " Ariella asks looking at her father not sure of what is going on.

He looks at his daughter and stares at her for a moment before looking back at the road " I'm taking you to camp half blood where you will be safe " he tells the raven haired girl who was still shaking. Ariella nods remembering the stories he told her of the camp and how it protects demi gods from the outside world. " so you leaving me " she asks her father. He looks at her with an un readable expression in his face " I have to for your safety " he tells the 15 year old girl in the passenger seat.

Ariella nods she and her father were never close he was always leaving for days to weeks at a time.

The man pulls to a stop in the middle of the woods. The full moon glows down at the both of them. He gets out of the car and so does his daughter. Ariella hugs her dad " thank you for helping me " she tells. He nods and hugs her back " now go once you pass that tree you will be safe from monsters go Ariella " he tells the young girl feeling relief that he dosnt have to worry about monsters anymore.

Ariella nods running towards the tree with her bag and silver bracelet still hanging off her wrist. She looks back to see her dad driving away not even looking back at her. She hears a loud growl and turns around seeing a giant scorpion looking thing staring at her and she runs. The scorpion hot on her trail she passes the tree her father said would protect her and the scorpion stops turning around.

She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She slides down the tree leaning her back against it. She looks up at the sky seeing the moon glowing. The feeling of the moonlight on her skin always comforted her. After a second all the adrenaline in her body disappears and she starts to get light headed and she passes out laying in the grass of camp half blood.

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