t h i r t e e n

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I yawn and turn around in my bed pushing myself up, so I'm sitting up in my bed. Looking around at all the Ares kids who are moving around getting ready. I look over at Clarisse and she smiles at me walking up to me " time get up princess it's breakfast " shaking my head at her " you know I don't go there after what happened Clari " she rolls her eyes grabbing my arms making me stand up.

" who cares what they think go get ready and let's go " she pushes me to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and changing into jeans and a tight long sleeved shirt I walk out going to my bed. Most of the Ares kids left besides Clarisse and Maeve who were waiting for me.

I put on my shoes and Maeve comes up to me " you know we are starting to respect you and we ignored you in the beginning because we were wary of you but now we see you for what you are " she tells me I look at her confused.

" what am I " I ask the girl.

" your smart and you can fight we respect that "

Maeve walks out to get breakfast after that and me and Clarisse stay in the cabin for a moment. I lean up and kiss her and she kissed me back sliding her tongue in my mouth, I pull away to breathe " come on princess let's go get food I'm hungry " . Looking up at her with doe eyes that get me anything I want " you can eat me " .

Her eyes go wide and she pushes me outside the cabin " don't start something you cant finish Ariella " she tells me. Laughing as we walk into the dining area and everyone stares at me but I don't mind them because I'm with Clarisse.

Malachi walks up to me and gives me a side hug " morning raven glad you here " we walk over to get food and people just move out of my way " now I rember why I don't come here " I tell the boy.

" ignore them " He tells me and I nod and stop grabbing his arm " today we need to talk you won't believe what happened " Malachi nods " I can guess I see Clarisse staring at you " he tells me before walking to his table.

I grab some water and some grapes and sit down with the Ares kids. Micheal scrunch's his brows " that's all you eat " he asks me. I nod " I don't eat in the morning and if I eat a lot I'll just be nauseous all day it's annoying " the whole table looks at me not caring that much.

Clarisse hands me a piece of her pancakes " eat now " I open my mouth as a joke but she feeds me. Maeve laughs and slaps Alexs shoulder " you owe me 5 drachmas " he groans. I look over at them " what are you talking about " I ask the girl.

" we all knew you and Clarisse had something going on since you came to camp they made a bet on it " Cameron tells me. I look at them all shocked and Alex laughs at me " don't laugh Alex I see how you look my best friend " he shuts up fast and looks away. We all laugh at the boy.


The six Ares kids and the daughter of Nyx laugh all durning breakfast, teasing each other. The other campers look at Ariella shocked as they expected her to be all evil now but she was the same girl as before except this time she has seven guard dogs. Most of the campers are still scared of her but not as much as before, they are slowly warming up to her.

Zoey looks at the raven haired girl sitting with the Ares kids angry that the girl just fit in with all of them without even trying. Luke sees the look on his half sister's face " stop looking at her like that she was your friend and you betrayed her " he tells the girl. She scoffs " you're the one who agreed we shouldn't take her in don't act all high and mighty " she gets up walking bad to her cabin.

Malachi who heard the whole conversation sighs and looks at Ariella and walks up to her " ready to go " he asks her she nods and kisses Clarisses cheek leaving without a word.

The two walk into the infirmary together once they get there they both sit down on a bed together.

Malachi looks at the girl " spill everything that happen last night, one day her and her siblings are ignoring you the next you all close explain now " Ariella laughs at the boy.

" so I was walking back from practicing, and they asked me to come fight with them and I did, and I ended up beating Maeve in a fight after using my shadow abilities then Clarisse picked me up and took me into the cabin everyone introduced themselves to me and I braided Maeve's hair and- " The son of Apollo interrupted the girl " wait wait wait did Alex say anything about me " he asks the girl, she shoves him " let me finish damn " Malachi sits down quietly listening to the girl.

" me and Clarisse went to the beach and I showed her my sketch's then she admitted her feelings for me and we kissed then we kissed more this morning and at lunch I made a joke about Alex looking at you and he blushed " she tells him and Malachi gets up cheering " yes yes yes I knew you and Clarisse liked each other now you have to get me and Alex together " .

The two sit and talk for hours until a Hermes kid ends up walking in needing stitches due to a fight in sword training. Ariella watches as the son of Apollo stitches the boys arm and hands him ambrosia and then the boy leaves without a word. She looks at Malachi weird " what was that the boy couldn't even look at me " he shrugs " don't mind him people are dramatic " .

He sits back down with the girl and looks at her sadly for a second " Zoey and Luke were talking about you and apparently they both agreed that they wouldn't take you in after you got claimed I'm sorry I know she was your friend " . Ariella shrugs " screw her and him I don't care " she pretends to act as if she didn't care when she did feel betrayed by them.

.·:*¨¨* ≈≈ *¨¨*:·.

While the two best friends are in the infirmary the Ares kids are at sword practice. Clarisse hears a Hermes kid talking about Ariella.

" that girl randomly has confidence it's probably because of her guard dog Clarisse " a son of Hermes tells his half siblings laughing. Maeve goes up to him " wanna spar " she asks the boy smirking. Everyone knows when an Ares kid asks you to spar it is never a good thing. The boy nods regardless looking over seeing Clarisse staring at him with her spear in her hands.

Maeve charges at the boy and he immediately blocks it scared. They got back and forth for a minute before she cuts his arm deep with her sword " oh my bad " she tells the boy laughing walking away. Clarisse smirks and looks at her half sister " thanks for that " Maeve raises her brows " I didn't do that for you Ariella is my friend now I like the girl " Clarisse slaps her arm " don't even think about it " .

Maeve raises her hands in fake surrender " I didn't mean it like that we all know she's yours and off limits " she tells the curly haired girl. The two daughters of Ares laugh as the boy runs the infirmary and the rest of his half siblings are too scared to look at the girls.

.·:*¨¨* ≈≈ *¨¨*:·.

The horn blows for lunch so everyone starts leaving there activities to go. Malachi practically drags Ariella to the dinning area while there walking she says " I miss the days we're all I did was sit on the beach " he scoffs and pushes her there before walking to his siblings.

The daughter of Nyx grabs some food and goes to sit with Clarisse. Micheal looks at her " wow you eat lunch " he tells the girl sarcastically, the  girl flips him off sitting down. Clarisse looks at her " you should come to sword practice with us after this " she tells the smaller girl.

" I don't know the way everyone looks at me like some monster is not very comfortable " she admits to them. Nick rolls his eyes " ignore them who cares if they try something punch them " . Ariella laughs " fine I'll go " Clarisse smiles and goes back to eating. They all finish their food before going back to their the sword training arena. Ariella goes over to her cabin and changed into leggings and a blue hoodie before leaving to go train.

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