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As the weeks passed Ariella Jones stayed away from everyone but Malachi. She didn't go to training with everyone instead chose to train by the beach or in the woods. She does hangout in her cabin but the children of Ares including Clarisse ignore her and act as though she is not there.

Malachi and Ariella hangout sometimes at the beach where they can. They talk about whatever they want and Malachi tells her all about what goes on at camp since Ariella stays away. Ariella eats in the woods or in the cabin she chooses not to sit in the dinning hall.

It is now January and camp is super quiet. Everyone still talks about Ariella the daughter of Nyx, but nobody says anything to her face.

Ariella learned that she can fade into the shadows and teleport from shadow to shadow. The only person she told is Malachi and he was proud of her.

Today when Ariella was walking back to her cabin it is just after dinner, so mostly everyone is in there cabin. Besides the Ares kids who are playing a game they made up called Street Fighter it's where the wrestle and fight each other and fight till they get a winner.

The daughter of Nyx tries to walk past them fast but Micheal stops her " you think you can win tiny " he asks the girl. Ariella looks at him trying to act confident " yeah " he smirks at her " okay you fight Maeve " and Maeve walks over.

She is six feet tall and Ariella barely reaches the girls chest. But it is dark outside and the shadows are all around which gives Ariella the advantage. The shorter girl walks up to them and they watch as Maeve makes the first move pushing the girl back, then grabs her sword. Ariella pulls her charm making her sword appear and she goes straight to defense as Maeve struck a her. They go back and forth Maeve on offense Ariella on defense. Maeve hits Ariella wrist causing the girls sword to fall from her hand back into her bracelet.

The taller girl smirks walking up to her slowly expecting to win when Ariella falls back into the shadows disappearing. Maeve looks around confused " what the hell " she looks around when Ariella comes from behind her kicked her causing the girl to land face first in the dirt. Ariella smiles " I win " Maeve gets up shaking her head " no way that's cheating you can use your abilities " she tells the girl.

Ariella shrugs " you guys use yours every single fight it's only fair if I use mine " Micheal looks down at her confused " what are you talking bout " he asks her.

" you guys are all six feet tall and bulky stronger than anyone else as teenagers those are abilities you got from your father " The daughter of Nyx tells the children of Ares. Clarisse smirks impressed with the girl " oh boo hoo Maeve you lost " she grabs Ariella's hand and lifts it up " we have our winner " she tells her siblings. They cheer and the favorited daughter of Ares grabs the girl throwing her on her shoulder and takes her back to the cabin smiling with everyone else.


Once we got back to the cabin Clarisse puts me down and looks at me " you got better at fighting I'm impressed princess " she says to me smiling. I look up at her " oh now you speak to me " I tell her with an attitude. She looks down " I- sorry " she scratches the back of her neck looking anywhere but at me.

I'm about to respond when her siblings burst in and Maeve comes up to me " you're not too bad Ariella " she tells me and I smile at her in thanks. The rest of her siblings introduced themselves to me. Theres Micheal who is 17 with dirty blonde hair and is around 6 foot something and then there's Clarisse and Maeve who she already knows. Then there Alex the black haired boy Malachi has a crush on he's tall and bulky same age as Clarisse only 16. Then there's Cameron who is 12 and is only a few inches tall then me which is embarrassing. Last is Nick who is 14 and is around 5,8 and is strong with brown hair and blue eyes.

I smile at all of them and go into the bathroom to shower. Maeve follows me wanting to get the dirt off herself. I look at her " are these all the Ares kids or do more come in the summer " I ask her she looks at me " nope this is all of us thank god or else it would be so crowded " I nod at her states " you cant imagine Hermes cabin it was horrible " she laughs with me.

I go into the shower washing my hair and stepping out I wrap myself in a towel. Walking towards the mirror I look at my hair, running my fingers through it. Clarisse walks into the bathroom and looks me up and down " what are you doing Ariella " I look at hair raising my brows " have you not heard of a shower Clarisse " I ask the girl sarcasm dripping from my voice.

She wraps her hand around my neck lifting my chin to look at her " don't try and be funny princess " .

I blush and open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out and she laughs at me and walks away. Woah I didn't realize how hot that girl really is . Shaking my head I brush my teeth and change into some pajama shorts and a tank top.

I walk out of the shower and Maeve looks at me " you know how to braid or something " she asks me. Nodding my head at the girl she pulls me towards her bed " do me " she demands.

I gasp and the whole cabin stops what there doing to look at me and Maeve " wow Maeve you want me to do you take me out to dinner first babe " I tell the girl pretending to me shocked smiling. Everyone starts laughing at us including Clarisse, Maeve shoves me " just braid it " .

" what's the magic word " I ask the girl and she looks at me dead serious " now " . I push on the floor and she sits in between my legs and I start putting her hair into 2 tight french braids. When I'm done I hand her my mirror and she looks at her dirty blonde hair and smiles turning towards me " thanks Ari this is fire it won't move when I train " of course it's about fighting and not looks what did I expect " no problem " I tell the girl and walk to my bed.

I brush my hair let it air dry and grab my sketch book and put on my shoes about to leave when Clarisse stops me " where are you going " she asks me. I look up at her my head reaching just above her chest " to finish drawing wannna come La Rue " she nods and follows me outside. We walk to the woods and walk down the beach.

I sit down and she sits with me I lay on my stomach and start finishing my sketch of a sword in the sky surrounded by starts. Clarisse watches me sketch in silence. When I'm done I show it to her " what do you think " she grabs my book " it's good I didn't know you were this good at drawing " I smile at her blushing looking down.

I rest my head in her lap and she goes through my sketch book looking at all my drawings " wow these are amazing Ariella really their beautiful " I smile at her and grab my book back. She looks down at me and plays with my hair.

We sit in silence until Clarisse speaks up " I'm sorry for ignoring you I just didn't know how I felt about you but now I think I do " I look up at her and move sitting up " what do you mean feel about me " I ask her confused.

" I never was nice like this to anyone before your just beautiful and strong I think I'm starting to like you " she admits to me not looking at me. She gets up and tries to leave but I grab her arm " no you can't do that you always say something nice and leave I like you to Clarisse gods I- " she interrupts me by kissing me hard taking control of the kiss.

My arms slide around her neck and she grabs my waist, I pull away looking at her smiling. She smiles " I wanted to do that for so long Ariella " I kiss her again.

Pulling away I move my arms from around her neck " let's go back I'm tired " she nods at me and keeps on of her arms around my waist as we walk back to the cabin. We sneak in quietly and go to our beds. I take off my shoes and get under the covers of my bed thinking about Clarisse. That kiss god and she likes wow .

I fall asleep slowly thinking of the strong daughter of Ares and the kiss we shared at the beach.

a/n: wowowowowow they kissed what what what??????????

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