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After Ariella's little breakdown her and Malachi walk to the infirmary since the sim of Ares was meant to be there all day and the unclaimed girl didn't feel like going to sword training with the rest of the Hermes cabin.

Once they get there it's empty so they sit down and start playing Uno. Ariella slams her card down yelling " UNO " Malachi groans " no fair you're cheating " the raven haired girl laughs at him. The two young demigods stay in infirmary for a while just playing cards because nothing is happening in the infirmary.

Around an hour later Clarisse and her brother Micheal walk in the infirmary with Chiron behind them. The 2 friends out their cards down and stand up confused. " Malachi take care of these 2 kids wounds and Ariella help him " Chiron tells the demi gods then walks out.

Malachi grabs two towels and wets them both with water handing one to Ariella and moving onto Micheal to clean the cut going down his leg. " Raven take Clarisse to that bed over there and do what you can okay " the son of Apollo tells the short girl, she nods and walks up to Clarisse " can you sit here please " she asks the daughter of Ares.

Clarisse sits and Ariella grabs a towel lifting the girls arm and cleaning the large gash on the girls arm. She gasps " how did this happen are you okay does it hurt " the smaller girl asks multiple questions at once worried for the daughter of Ares. Clarisse laughs " it's fine Ariella it doesn't hurt I can take it " she smirks at the girl proud of herself at how strong she is. Ariella shakes her head and throws the towel away grabbing rubbing alcohol to disinfect the wound.

" we were at training and me and Micheal got mad and took it out with our swords " Clarisse tells the girl seeing as she was waiting for an answer.

" this is going to hurt by the way Clari " Ariella tells the girl not realizing she gave her a nickname. Clarisse smirks " bring it on sweetheart " .

" you think your so big and strong don't you "
Ariella says to the daughter of Ares.

" I know what I am "
Clarisse says to the girl proud of herself.

Ariella takes the rubbing alcohol and puts on the girls cut watching her face to see if she flinched but the strong daughter of Ares doesn't flinch. Ariella shakes her head at the girl " what you expecting me to cry or something " Clarisse asks the unclaimed girl teasing her.

" no I wasn't actually " she responds to Clarisse. She finishes cleaning the cut and calls Malachi over to do his job. He lifts Clarisses arm " you didn't do bad raven " he tells the girl then hands her ambrosia " give this to Micheal for me " he also tells Ariella.

The girl grabs it and goes to Micheal " here you go " she hands him the ambrosia. The son of Ares grabs it not replying to the girl then leaving. Clarisse groans while Malachi stitches up his arm. Ariella looks at her friend the son of Apollo " be careful with her " she tells the boy. He looks at her raising his eyebrows " aww you're so cute " he makes fun of her and she flips him off sitting on a chair and starts shuffling the Uno cards.

Clarisse watches the interaction with the short girl and son of Apollo with judgmental eyes . She knew Malachi was gay and she also knew the he looked at her brother. When he finishes with her arm he hands her ambrosia. Clarisse takes it about to leave before looking back at Ariella once more and walking out.

The two young demigod stay in the infirmary playing cards for the rest of the time until lunch. When the sound horns for lunch the two leave the infirmary walking to their cabins table after grabbing food.

Mr. D comes in the dinning area and coughs loudly to get everyone's attention, once everyone pauses what they're doing to give him their attention. He announces to everyone " next week we will have a capture the flag game to give you all something to do Ares VS Athena as always " the kids start cheering and hitting tables. Ariella looks at Zoey confused " what's capture the flag " she asks the girl. The daughter of Hermes looks at her friend " a game that everyone takes too seriously so be prepared " she tells the girl.

After Mr.D leaving all anyone can talk about is capture the flag. Ariella looks around seeing Clarisse smiling with her siblings talking about some strategy. She turns around to her table and excuses her self after she finishes her food. Walking back to her cabin she goes to her bed and sits down looking for a pair of sweatpants. She puts them on and goes to sword training and pulls her charm bracelet making a sword appear. She starts hitting the dummy practicing some moves.

Luke walks over to her " I can help you I'm best swordsman at camp you know " he shows off the girl. She nods and jumps up and down " yes please " she tells him. He grabs her arm lifting it up " never keep your arm down protect your face and chest and stay light on your feet so you can move around more " he teaches Ariella.

After hours of training and more kids joined them Luke let her go telling her she did a good job and she's a natural. She thanks him and walks back to her cabin going into the shower. She washes the sweat off herself and uses her lavender shampoo and conditioner in her hair then washes her body with a matching body scrub she made herself back home. She steps out and puts on a long sleeved shirt and some pajama pants.

She sits on her bed and lays down slowly falling asleep dreaming.

Ariella is walking around in darkness trying to see anything that isn't just trees. A woman walks up to her power raiding off of her but Ariella can't see her face because it is covered. The woman reaches down laying her hand on the you demi gods face " my sweet daughter don't let them force you out " she tells the girl.

Ariella furrows her brows " what are you talking about are you my mother " the woman nods " yes and be careful you are more powerful than you know " she tells the girl before disappearing into the darkeness.

Ariella wakes up with a gasp looking around at her surrounding.


I look around breathing heavy what the hell kind of dream was that what did my mother mean I have so many questions . I get up walking into the bathroom splashing water on my face. I look down on my bracelet and walking outside. I look around to see everyone eating dinner. I walk into the dinning area and look around and grab an apple and walk away into the woods.

While I'm walking away I feel someone grab my arm looking up I see Clarisse looking at me " what's wrong with you " she asks me. I look down and pull my arm away from her " nothing it's nothing " I tell her about to walk away when she grabs me again and pulls me into the woods. We walk for a while before she sits down on a rock motioning me to do the same.

" I had dream of my mother " I tell the daughter of Ares still not looking at her. She sighs " we all have nightmares it a part of being a demi god it comes with the ADHD and dyslexia " she says to me.

" no it wasn't a nightmare she warned me not to let them force me out and that I was powerful and then she just disappeared into darkness " I tell Clarisse about my dream of my mother. She looks at me " I don't know what to tell you Ariella " she gets up and walks away from me. God that girl is so scared of showing feeling her bipolar ass . I groan and lay my head back watching the sunset.

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