Chapter 134: Masquerade

Start from the beginning

"I can forgive some," Uriel Frost said, looking at me with slight dismissiveness. "But it is custom for a Named Blood to bow in respect to his betters," he said, clearly annoyed.

I tilted my head. "Pardon my words, Highlord Frost," I said calmly, "but the last person to force me to bow was Mardeth of the Doctrination. And the second time we met, he failed at forcing it again." My enhanced ears heard a spike of muttering around me as spies subtly monitoring me burst into conversation.

Uriel Frost's nostrils flared. "My sons told me you were proud, but there is a thin line between pride and arrogance, Lord Daen. The Relictombs have given you a heightened sense of importance."

I felt myself smile, thinking of the very, very obvious arrogance the Frost Twins had displayed. Maybe I was a bit arrogant, but here was a man throwing stones within a glass house. "I agree," I said simply. "But arrogance with substance is ultimately well-earned pride."

Another voice cut off Uriel before he could speak. "You're arrogant," Highlord Justul Patamoor said with an amusing twist of his lips, his posse of highblood lackeys trailing behind him. The center of attention in the ballroom was finally shifting. "You're a rising star in Alacrya. You came from a no-name Named Blood in the backwater of Fiachra, and now you've managed a contract with Bloodstone Elixirs and are on the coattails of the Denoirs. But one must be careful, lest they make a mistake and fall to the bottom again. It's happened to so many great talents over the centuries that it is practically clockwork."

I oriented on Justul Patamoor. Before this ball, Renea Shorn had given me a preliminary rundown of who would be attending. And I had heard of Highblood Patamoor before. "I've made mistakes before," I admitted to the man. "And I fully expect to make them again." I traced a finger over the eyebrow of my mask. "Underneath this mask is a scar given to me by Darrin Ordin of the Unblooded Party. He would be more than happy to see me die a grisly death."

Shock rippled through the Patamoor contingent, no doubt at the mention of the unblooded man who had bloodied them in a legal battle. Justul's smile became more genuine at the opening I'd provided. "That man has a tendency to stick his nose where it doesn't belong," Lord Patamoor said, taking the bait. "And nipping at the feet of those higher than he. I sympathize with how he wronged you."

My own smile took a predatory cast. "In the process of earning this scar," I said, "I realized that every scar Darrin Ordin left in his wake was deserved," I said, vouching for the man's actions.

After all, Darrin Ordin was one of the best men I had ever known, even if he wished for me to burn at a pyre.

Justul's smile fell in a slow, menacing droop, his eyes flashing darkly at my insinuation. "You are arrogant, Lord Daen," he said. "A taste of fame and glory has numbed you to the realities of this world."

Highlord Patamoor turned around with a swish, his long robes trailing behind him. Uriel Frost cradled a drink, watching the entire thing with narrowed eyes.

Corbett Denoir was the next to approach. Unlike the massively styled coverings everyone else wore, he had adorned a simple silver half-mask that highlighted his teal eyes. "Lord Toren Daen," he greeted, bowing slightly in greeting. In response, I dipped a bit deeper than I had to Highlord Frost. The covert attention of half a hundred highbloods threaded around me, detectable in their intent.

"Highlord Denoir," I said with a hint of genuine respect. I straightened. "I thank you for the opportunity to play to this crowd."

Corbett, clearly expecting my lack of perceived respect, clasped me familiarly on the shoulder with a plastered smile. "There is no need for such formalities between us," he said, making sure his voice could be heard. "Your partnership with Bloodstone Elixirs and the depth of your abilities has long assured me of where you stand," he said, giving a jovial chuckle. "I've found myself lacking when Lady Renea Shorn snatched you up first. Tell me, how are you faring with my son on your ascents?"

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