Chapter 115: Nirmala

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Toren Daen

The mood shifted for a while as Renea and I hashed out initial details about my first concert. I'd had some time to think about what I wanted since our first agreement, so when the topic finally reached where I wanted the venue to be, I knew my answer.

"I was thinking of doing the show outside Fiachra. Maybe by the Sehz River," I said, taking a final sip of my tea. I looked at the bottom of the cup a bit forlornly. I might have been a coffee person, but Renea had good taste. "And I'd like to make it free to attend."

The aforementioned businesswoman looked up from her pad of paper, a confused cast to her face. "Such a location–and lack of entrance fee–would not be conducive to profit," Renea replied.

I set my teacup down. Renea had finished her own cup a while before me. "Well, I'm not really looking for money," I said honestly. The profits I'd made from scouring the Relictombs so far were more than enough to let me live comfortably, and truthfully, that was all I needed. "I want everyone to be able to see me play, regardless of their wealth."

Renea tapped a pen against her little pad of paper. "It will be difficult to sway those of financial means to attend something if there is no monetary transaction involved. It lends a sense of exclusivity to the venue. Furthermore, I will be making a loss on setting up such a show if there is no way to recoup funds."

I'd thought of this, too. While it would be difficult to attract noble attention right off the bat, I felt sure my music would gradually draw people in regardless of any 'ticket prices.' But I still understood Renea's concerns.

"You could sell some sort of merchandise for those who could afford it," I interjected. "Something exclusive to the venue. Shirts, lapel pins, maybe some sort of stylized jewelry."

Lady Shorn scrutinized me. "You truly are not in this for the profit, are you?" she asked. "Even if I manage to recoup what I spend on assisting this setup, you gain little."

"My music should be for everyone," I said honestly. It was such a pure way of connecting souls. To have that locked behind the barrier of money made part of me shrivel away in disgust. "Perhaps we can plan exclusive venues where you do charge an entrance fee, but I'd also play to the public for free as well."

I'd rather not charge at all, but the problem of capital wasn't something I could do away with my idealism.

Renea snapped her little notebook shut with a crisp click. "I can work with this. In a few weeks, I'll send out advertisements and have you practice for the show. Do you think you're ready for this, Toren?"

I stood up, noting how the light was getting low outside. I felt my mood plummet slightly as I envisioned what I would have to do after this meeting.

I enjoyed talking with Lady Shorn. She was intelligent, witty, and above all else, she shared a mote of my same idealism, even if it was buried deep under layers of carefully crafted masks. Something in my gut clenched at having to cut this meeting short, especially with what I would have to do next.

"Without false modesty," I said, "I think I can match your expectations." I worked my fingers as I kept my eyes on the slowly setting sun.

Renea stood herself, then carefully walked to my side. "Toren," she said seriously, laying a hand on my shoulder, "You plan to investigate Mardeth's blithe supply, don't you?" Her eyes were hard.

"I do," I said honestly. "It's something that needs to be done. The threat of Scythe Seris won't keep him chained forever."

Lady Shorn tilted her head. "I might have been able to protect your people in East Fiachra from the Vicar of Plague's retribution," she said sternly, "But should you follow this path, I will not be able to shelter you from the powers that surround this. There is only so much I can do."

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