Chapter 121: The Next Step

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Toren Daen

I watched the Jasper man scramble away, splashing mud on a score of people as he engaged some sort of rune. They shied away, crying out in shock and disgust as mud added onto their already water-drenched forms. Gradually, the other mages I'd forced to the ground with my killing intent pulled themselves up, and in varying states of disarray followed after their broken leader.

I inhaled deeply through my nose. I could almost smell the intent sifting through the ambient mana like a seeking serpent. The mages around me were impressed by my threat toward Blood Jasper.

Their fear has increased in equal measure with their curiosity, I thought with irritation. I turned around, ignoring the stares filled with alarm and interest. None had expected me to be as powerful as I was. None had suspected my strength to be as vaunted as it was. Each mage I made eye contact with shied back slightly.

I'm still releasing a bit of my intent into the air, I realized a bit too late. And as I pointed out to the Jasper man, part of them can subconsciously sense it.

I may have been more forceful with my display than I originally intended. The Jasper man threatening the clinic had touched a nerve.

"And you gave a hint at the source of your strange musical ability," Aurora said. "They will be wondering how truthful you were."

I hated what I'd just done. Before my concert, a part of me hoped that all it would take was my unique music to influence these people. But I couldn't have been more wrong. The language they knew the best was strength. Brute force were their letters and fists their words. Sure, I'd shown them something unique. But in the moment, it was fleeting.

So I spoke their language. I flexed my magical muscles in front of someone who was far weaker than I; forcing him into submission with might rather than mind.

"It is a push and pull," Aurora said. She could feel my disappointment. My quiet anger. "A carrot and a stick. This is true for all things. There is always a positive and a negative that must be engaged with." She paused. "Though there is truth in your own worry. That you may become what you hope to eliminate."

Highlord Renton Morthelm was staring at the spot on the ground where the mages seeking to confront me had collapsed. His eyes were shadowed, but the hand he was gripping his umbrella with was white from his tightened grip.

As I stood beside him, facing my tent, I felt I had more to say. "I'm not so easily manipulated," I said. My voice came out tired. Strained. "I see more than you think, Lord Morthelm. I told you earlier I'd be happy to work with your enterprises again should it be on my terms. And I meant on my terms."

He finally looked at me. While many of the others around held anxiety and interest openly, I recognized something deeper in this older man's face. I suspected he'd been playing this game of politics for a longer time than most. He glanced at Lady Dawn's clockwork bird one more time, then focused on me.

I could tell he recognized the ploy in what had just happened. He knew, at least to a degree, that I'd baited those men into confronting me.

"Noted, Lord Daen," he said slowly. "It appears I've disrespected you in a way I did not anticipate."

Masked words for, "I would've been happy to manipulate you if it weren't difficult to do so," I thought with an internal sneer.

Sevren was not-so-covertly glaring at the highlord.

"He speaks the truth to you, Highlord Morthelm," an even yet powerful voice said. A familiar voice. "One needs greater skill if they wish to manipulate Lord Daen in any manner. I've had to change my own methods in ways I never expected."

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