Chapter 55: First Ascent

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Toren Daen

"So Toren," Alandra asked, "What academy are you an alumnus of?"

"I haven't had academy training," I admitted sheepishly. "Though I don't think I'll do any worse than someone who has. I got a pretty good score on my ascender's assessment."

Alandra raised a brow. "And I'm guessing you want me to ask what that score is?"

"I got above average on flexibility of offensive magic and mental acuity. I scored average on manipulation of mana, but got exceptional on athleticism."

Darrin whistled in appreciation. "It's difficult to get exceptional in anything. You scored a lot better than many academy graduates."

I smiled slightly, feeling a bit of pride in my abilities. Though Toren had trained for many years to hone his magic, I'd only had Lady Dawn's tutoring for a little under three months. My progression of power had been exponential since she began to guide me.

We were nearing the large ascension portal, having just verified our identities with a nearby attendant. I stared up at the glimmering arch, thinking once more about the possible consequences of bringing people with me. I had a simulet in my dimension ring that matched the rest of the Unblooded party. Hofal was waiting at the inn for us to return.

Lady Dawn? I sent out. I don't know if you have a way to bind yourself closer to me, but I recommend you do it. These portals don't like asura very much.

"You will not lose me," the phoenix replied. "I am nestled in your core as we speak. You have no need to worry."

At least that was reassuring.

"It's the first day of the rest of your life," Darrin said as I stared, clapping me on the back. "These portals are a door to the greatest trials you will know. Take a minute to breathe, Toren."

"You've got everything you need?" Jared asked from the side. He was scratching at his beard, which was as far from combed as humanly possible. "I don't want to hear you whining that you're low on water. I'm always low on alcohol in there, and you never hear me complaining."

Alandra tried to kick Jared in the shin again, something that he just barely sidestepped. "Don't listen to him, Toren. Though it is important to make sure you've got everything you need."

"That woman takes all the fun out of things," Jared grumbled from the side. He had a bit of a belly, but his meaty arms offset it. With his tall shield strapped to his back and the small hammer he had strapped to his waist, I thought he would get along with the dwarves in Dicathen.

"I've got several weeks' worth of food and a week's worth of water," I said, hefting my dimension ring in the air. "I don't want to get caught unawares, even if most prelims only take a day."

"That's smart," Alandra said. "I've known a few mages who barely survived their jaunts through the Relictombs when they ran out of water. Better to overprepare than underprepare."

I exhaled lightly, preparing myself for the next step. I couldn't stare at the shimmering plane of purple forever. "Well, I guess it's time for my first ascent."

"Do you not have armor?" Darrin asked from my side. "If you do, now's the time to put it on."

I shook my head. "I've got a spell that protects me better than any armor I'd be able to afford."

Darrin looked at me like he didn't quite buy that, but I was done stalling to get my emotions in order.

As one, the four of us stepped into the portal. The transition was seamless, with no sense of nausea or disorientation.

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